Tuesday 19 July 2011

Does Holly shit, my boobs never have had pains so badly.., how did it make u, as u stopped to nurse?

Does Holly shit, my boobs never have had pains so badly.., how did it make u, as u stopped to nurse?

was so today, the first day i didn\'t pump, or breast nourishes they never have been so gigantic for itself, so that my boobs filled up, rocks you heavily and the pain then is worse than i was in work! already durchnäßter ic threw 2 shirts, while they carried block,

what did you do as you stopped breast nourishing, and, how it does long sore for it?

does iv birth control with estrogen drive, help to immediately reduce breast milk with sinus meds, and marijuana slows down breast production a quantity, but i dont has a sinus infection and un, not to go, to smoke, pots any other way lol?

from Kylie B

Best answer chosen by voters

i hardly had all difficulties,
but that was, because disaccustomed i in the course 5 months,
i droped one feed had my boobs time every month to adjust slowly down, instead of * bam * nothing.
and with the last would live i one day, you then go beside it one day, then, you live again, 2 days go you beside it and nourished again, after, that my son even interested wasnt.
if not u in a rush, then, you make it slow
pump once or twice per day, then once per day, you then halve, the quantities u pumps every few days. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (6)

through < 3 my sLurPeE girl TAKE BENEDRYL! It will work miracles to go away in drying up of your milk and bringing of the pain to it. IchIch woke up in the morning, and my boobs töteten me. IchIch took some times in the day and until bedtime benedryl, there was still sore, but erträglich. BeimBeim nächsten day felt it itself sore only training after you like the sore muscle.. NOT BAD! Seriously, das\'s, why breast, the mommies ernährt, no decided cold meds should take,.. it will dry you on abstinence!


Experience & treats! :)

from Dolphin_... presses you only enough for comfort from, that is what the midwives informed me of it, to be done as I had to stop to nurse. You will produce less milk slowly. You/they also propose, thereß this expressed milk the baby is given, and didn\'t diminish, because Mamas-Milch is the best,:)

from Melissa Wenn I stoppes I didn\'t stop cold turkey gradually... I went from the whole time to 3 times per day... to twice per day, to once and so on... until at the moment actually held I altogether, my breasts heavily not even got. it only went!

through. over over one month, I stopped gradually with 1 feedings of week and never was become saturated... I heard also from cabbage leaves.... luck

through Arianna of \'s Mommy < 3 cold cabbage leaves!

by two, boys are a joy! Well i didn\'t goes through engorgement. entwöhnte my son so slow, that it was hardly recognizable,.. like over disaccustoming slowly?

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