Tuesday 19 July 2011

How to stop to nurse?

How to stop to nurse?

i has 13months old boys, i really stops wanna to nurse. we, they are tried to give him/it, schüchtern milk one and troubles us, still couldn in the cups or the cups however him/it to setzen\'t-Figur it from the taste, un at the moment only feeds him/it i frustrating once only in the morning and the second time with night, before he/it will sleep, but the problem is, he/it always gets up in the middle of the night, and we took the trouble not to give him/it, but he/it becomes louded with it. what should make i??

from Renee B

Best answer chosen by Asker

Congratulations to it, to give such a wonderful beginning to your son!

As I stopped to work my daughter as a nurse, it was not almost nursing, it was about the proximity, that needed her/it/them. Therefore, we started to do stomach time. I würde my shirt and calm baby situation her/its/their face on my stomach lifts, and we swang and swang. Everything, which she/it needed, was skin against skin, that cuddles. This stomach time still is a part of our routine, she/it now is 32 months old, but it is Nähe that we land \'t wants to resign (both of us)
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Something, which will try i,
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This question about "How, to stop breastfe. " was asked on it originally! Answers Australia

Other Answers (2)

through Mrs. Congeniality. Hello there,

I would milk the giving of him/it the cows or would propose possible formula to Only before the bed, and in one bottle rather than one cup. It is möglich, that your son looks for this, you comfort in order to fall asleep. Es\'s not the best plan ouchßer is determined gotten for you by it until alone he/it is capable to fall asleep.


through lady trinity property, you bless his/its small heart, he/it knows what is good! Donnimmt \'t at, thereß you it in your heart could find, him/it, to let work only some as a nurse more months long? Ideally, he/it should give it on himself. Remain difficult to distract him/it and be persistant thereover, to offer milk to him/it in it, a "deep young cup. I really believe, thereß, if you are consistant, will understand he/it and will enjoy his/its new cup. Meanwhile, if you nurse him/it k only with night and in the morningönnten that would not be so bad.
I would have given everything if my babies wanted to drink at the breast after they were one! As they were done, they were done! I didn\'t can her/it/them convinces to give him/it another attempt!
Lucky honey and hangs in there.
Love and blessing
Lady trinity ~


Pregnancy, that discusses, and much experience

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