Tuesday 19 July 2011

I want to stop, thinks 8 months to nurse old son and un not certainly like to him/it still wakes up with night! Help requests

I want to stop, thinks 8 months to nurse old son and un not certainly like to him/it still wakes up with night! Help requests

I am a stay with Heimatmama of two, and I want to finish itself 8 months on the 18 to nurse my son, who is ready. , to turn. He/it now has Zähne, and he/it bites me, you can imagine as this feels. He/it still wakes up in the middle of the night, and I tried to give him/it baby food, he/it places only auf\'t, it likes, I need advice

through mystic_e...

Best answer chosen by voters

If you really want to disaccustom you then, is there for a long hard fight, as he/it is not ready. But this is your election. There is much großes info about disaccustoming here:
/ bf/index.html

But, no offense, but biting is a really stupid reason, your baby and itself the benefit of nursing, to take. Withßend is a problem, that is, that is solved very easily. Babies learn very fast, thereß she/it bites, = no breast, because she/it nursing so very loves. Is not similar effort, to bring a baby, not to pull your hair, because there is not any reward. Nursing is one mächtiger motivator.
/ faq/bf4.asp

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Other Answers (5)

through downinmn if you really want to continue to nurse, you can finish biting. If he/it withßt, you pull him/it really near that to cover the nose about him/it and he/it will free. Also, he/it can understand with 8 months - "ouch." Strictly, but says him/it softly. Then pull him/it für one minute or two of the breast about and starts over you. He/it becomes the withßen recognize, is not associated with any milk. But, if of Sie\'wieder too entwöhnen, you will replace the breast with pumped breast milk or formula, really ready must. It it not sufficiently old, in order not to have one or the other.

through jaq_zim, your baby will still need formula. He/it gewann\'t is f, to eat ähig, simply solid meal. But you können does your own baby food or gives him/it any meal, that you eat, very small bites of proper. Because he/it Zähne has that will help chewing from solid meal with him/it. My baby still woke up in the night to work as a nurse and I, only started to ignore her/it/them. However, it lasted a couple calmed down ihr\'d days of its yell after some minutes and schläft back one. I hörte on, to almost work as a nurse one month ago, and my baby now is 11 months old. She/it had started, me to withßen, and it does really sore, but there are ways to bring her/it/them to the stop.
Did I read this article, that said, how wakes up much of us for a beverage, do you fall asleep then back? Most of us. Therefore like is a baby differently. You/they könnten in the night a beverage needs.
Only, you disaccustom slowly, one feeding every 3-4 days. Länger, if you feel really uncomfortable missing feedings. If you really want to stop Don, \'t Dr.ückt each milk, that will encourage to current only more, from.

I am vonvon Gemma W in the same boat there!!
Everything, which I could think of it and could pump, tried and swang and so on and so on, after all, I rearranged my son to formula milk during the day and let nursed him/it with night, and he/it seems to now settle better.
Although, if you are glad nursing, you formula make very very much very last possibility, if you think about it, for him/it this xx 33 percent to do 1 voices,

from chantelle l O.K. mommy stopped i breast feeding with 14 months, my son. you gotta ween he/it. Bemühen you itself, to give one bottle to the baby in it with baby grain with night, with breast milk. This should help fully with holding of his/its stomach, that is, why of m he/itöglicherweise in the middle of the nignt wakes up. Bemühen you other nipples, that remind of your nipple form, also. I weiß, as it feels in order to let her/it/them bite your nipples. Pain baby pain.

from Acekandi... troubles you for itself pumping and fills the feeding of him/it and doesn\'t bite for him/it for you and good nutrition!

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