WasWas should be, the ideal ages from the baby to stop to nurse?
Must nurse like long a teh-Kind? make nursing später in lives for the chld a 2 year old Ursachen-pschological-Problemethrough imablaze...
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some say feed as long breast, this wants the child to it. i thinks after ungefähr 1 year his/its bulk personal. a 2 year old Brustf wants i-Don\'tütterung sees. 29 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSSOther Answers (12)
beside UNITED KINGDOM Mummy It, a good idea is to be nursed for a minimum of 6 months. But the Längere you nurses the longer your baby / small child will benefits of your milk. Bemühen you itself one year ideally, longer, if you can. But place f auf\'tühlt itself guiltily, if you decide to hold and counters to formula, if you hold, before your baby 12 months or the milk of cows, older than 12 months is, milk is as each breast of benefits to your child.
With 2, to nurse, doesn\'t cause any psychological problems. But if a child of the breast entwöhnen wants, they should be allowed to self, disaccustoms you and didn\'t force to continue nursing. 14 percent 1 voices
from Jenny The, answer to your questions, on which you and which perspective ask, that you estimate most, relies heavily:
(1) in the U.S., the American academy of the pediatrics asks officially for a minimum of the first 6 months of living.
(2) ideally the best matter, that you can do, is the first year in order to guarantee the health and development of your baby in long run.
, (3), internationally, some pediatricians, likes in Korea and Japan, you encourage until approximately 18 months nursing.
(4) there are some of course-living advocates, who encourage nursing highly, until the child to hold asks. Sometimes these means, that nurse, to her/it/them 5 years volljährig is.
, it often is told 5 (within American culture,) that, "as soon as therefore they be she/it sufficiently old in order to ask therefore too old to have."
(6) I would tell you that you itself as yearn as you, it can expose or is willing to do it, you go for it.
Nursing should be a binding experience for it the two one of you. If you it no more geniusßen or to your child all the adverse feeling feels, while he/it nurses, maybe you want to look at stopping.
Even if you don\'t hold, until he/it, that is physically possible, must know you 21 years old, that you are your child not psychologically damaging. As yearn as the bare Körperteil, a body part of enjoyment" ALWAYS is regarded as a normal, natural matter instead of it or your child will be somewhat unsuitable fine. Beschämen you over einem\'s-Körper is not completely natural. It is learned. As soon as you start, over the fact, they start to flip out, that stinks s/he from a bare breast, to be surprised when it is something, bad."
Only relax, you make which feelings right for you, and knows, that you never are a bad parent for being chosen to hold in which age, that you choose. As yearn as your baby, are healthy and well gefüttert, you do your work for a good parent.
from Mommyto1, the American academy of the pediatrics recommends to nurse at least until one. The Worldhealthorganisation recommends to age two. PersI loved önlich to nurse my daughter and never, felt that it was a load. She/it is extremely healthy and light. She/it was ready, aufzuhören, to work as nurses, damit\'s, with 16 months, as we held. You/they transitioned wonderfully, and I think this is, because she/it was ready, and I hörte you to. She/it was not on any manner, that ausschließlich nurses. Für the last two months first was it per day. She/it began, Kuh\'s milks with 12 months and drank both für a while. She/it is a healthy eater, and all types of meal love. 14 percent 1 voices
through nightyni.... my children both themselves, this is disaccustomed. This Oldest person disaccustomed with 2 and a half, the most recent disaccustomed with 3 and a half. No one of them becomes psychologically beschädigt or is damaged on every manner. You/they now are 17 yrs and 12 yrs and the groß Machen.
PROCESS: My children, who started both to eat with meal solid by 4 months full age, until they were at the moment one year old, they become nurse a baby on no manner, that works "exclusively" the way as a nurse one, it was more of a supplement. You/they both also started, cow to drink-milks one \'s after old, but doesn\'t believe you seriously, thereß human milk for people better is, as the milk of cow? Breastmilk loses it nicht\'s Ernährungswert, after the baby turned one. Breastmilk verchange, like the child grows, so that it is to the child\'s needs of done tailors. Really people, you think and does your research, before you your ignorance ausstoßen.
And no, I thought really not much about having "my freedom" back. Every human understanding good with one ounce weiß, that, as soon as you have children, your life stops, because it is about you, and starts in order to go her/it/them. Das\'s an election, that we do, if we wählen, to be parents. As the mother of a teenager and a tween, if something, I wünsche, that I could put back the clock and enjoy, a little more of this precious baby time! 14 percent 1 voices
from Deepali D Typically, doctors propose mothers to decrease nursing after the child is one year old. old a 2 yrs, to nurse, won\'t cause any psychological problems with the child, but it should not be encouraged. The child was supposed to have begun because he/it has solid meal through this time, and hängt not from mother ab\'s milks for nutrients. Moreover, he/it must have grown the age, where covers, you milk doesn\'t fits him/it, so that you conserve very healthy substitute breast milk with supremely milk.
through tedgrein... it doesn\'t give any proof basis, in order to support any recommendation for it, if it is the best for hold, that nurses. Our predecessors probably continued several years long, as today does some groups. Today, the average duration is in some Lalters quietly > 3 yeras and she/it don\'t suffer from national psychosis.
Greiner T.. persevering nursing, complementation and worry. Meal and Ernährungsbulletin, 16(4):313-319, 1995.from cemented, we are the single country, that doesn\'t live full age at 1 yr. The health benefits are so awesome!! no, they won\'t have any mental questions. I think a good matter, in order to pump the breast milk at least after 1 yr, es\'s about her/its/their solid chimney food to ergänzen. I get pers creepedönlich out, if a child, "num nums" and lift on your shirt, can say, you extract your breast and start you to suck.
But not everyone feels the way. My ideal time was 8 mo because that was, if I couldn\'t erträgt him/it biting of me none more, but I wish that I would have stumbled until 1 yr.
Experience. 14 percent 1 voicesthrough cookie, there is not any "ideal age". all hängt from the mother and the child from. I think Mutter\'s muß her/its/their child\'s keywords simply reads. My son was ready, aufzuhören, to work as a nurse with 5 months, but I was willing to work him/it longer as a nurse. I mußte his/its needs respect because it is about his/its food in the end. He/it was on formula and booming from the time on. We are transitioning, about now milk einzuschüchtern, and he/it has big success.
Proud mommy of a 13 months old boys!from Jackie My, daughter finishes only on it to nurse here with 6months. I think old anytime after 1 years, is simply wrong, K becomes for themühe-Milch in this age allows, and also you don\'t want to go back any little one of your freedom?? I thinks somebody, that continues, at 12 months of needs to let read her/its/their head, to quiet!! my opinion only, but i wouldnt doin is it!
from Zac 3 or 2
through Jeff 11 years old
through Prinzessinnenjasmin / watch?v=FeWcdfPVv.
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