When stops u to nurse?
surprise i for itself when his/its most usual to hold, that nurses?i dont wanna nurses eight like i intell, shes any lady looked at youtube, you do,
if it is, if they start to eat real meal, and if you hold and give them regular milk, i really knows dont worked like all this.
Best answer chosen by voters
It really depends on you. I nurse and plan the Entwöhnen my child through the age of 1, if I can give them whole milk. I has goört, there is not any NEED after you to do it after the age of 1 because they can get those nutrients from other sources.They can have alto whole Milch with 1 years, and after any time, they start to get teeth, they can have table meal (that can be as early as 6 months). you dürfen breast feed as it, you yearn as you, however, you want, there is not any law. Maybe you/they find, thereß Ihr child him/it or itself before one year old disaccustoms, although or only when he/it / she/it is 2, if you go so long. 67 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS
Other Answers (13)
through nana i, my small one doesn\'t have yet but i had, you plan to nurse approximately 7-9 months long
you should think of Linda R through old in 1 and then only to a normal cup or a sippy-Tasse, should shift.
from Madison & Jackson\'s mommy, I nursed my daughter until she/it was by 13 months. I started, her/its/their Kühe-Milch the week, to give, before she/it turned one, and by 13 months, she/it stops however to nurse. You/they like the Kühe milks and cups.
This Dr. opinion, in order not to give, intimidates milk, until they are 12 months old. Therefore, they need for it, nursed, or formula ernährte itself until then.
PROCESS: You/they don\'t need to stop to nurse with 1. His/its good, about there,over out, to nurse, that, but is on to you. Do which Gefühle only for you and your child right.
Mommy of 2you can think of Paul P as soon as you get in the baby the meal of "sufficiently" solid meal, one of both \'baby food\', that begins disgusting, in glasses, or table meal (regular adult meal). but, his/its good, in order to nurse, until the baby is 2 years old. Not advisably after it.
You/they can start to give the whole milk, 4 percent of vitamin D, if the baby is 1 years old.
from Ethel It is extremely usual to disaccustom with 3 months.
BUT HOWEVER it is recommended the AAP, that you nurse exclusively for 6 months, by the WHO, the CDC, introduces baby foods at this time, and continues to work at least as nurses upon request, until they are 12 months, ideally longer. You/they place mu auf\'tß eternally before itself goes, but the longer you can nurse the better for your infant. Here, the mommies work at least für 12 months as a nurse, on to and years are normal and common beyond 2 also, es\'s uncommon for mommies, who worked as a nurse beyond 3 years, but that is there where I live.
I always thought of Kittles1 by 8 months. But any energy as yearn you itself as 2 years old. Es\'s a persönliche election. EsEs hängt also from the child from, any lack, in order to work longer than nurses, and any Selbst-ween.
through?? ` M-M?? I was nourishing in college and as he/it night with 5 months, because he/it was during the day on powder formula, stopped did I hold. He/it did toover finely for the alteration, however I the beste-Name-Marke formula bought, \'s that he/it hated it spit the whole time he/it up, It was only when I changed to a powder formula, that got it for him/it. Glück!!!!!!!!!!
from Lina of \'s Mommy most holds you 6 , but it is recommended to do so at least for 6 months to one year, but every time if you are both willing to hold. the silence of the didn\'t gives up the first few months, you normally uphold it one year long. , To go, as yearn you itself as you, k,önnen you, most babies become after the 1. Year alone entwöhnen, as they start to eat solids, as also a majority of her/its/their food and him/it, \'s, if they can begin the milk of cow. 33 percent 1 voices
through masters, I will start to disaccustom my son against 1 yr. if I to theückgehe, to work. ICH\'ll bemüht itself, to exclude the day, first lives and still feeds him/it first matter in the morning and before he/it goes to the bed a night. I place wei auf\'tß, if I will take the trouble, nourishes the last for itself to exclude 2, but it will be 2 after the first shortly. I place only auf\'t immediately wants to do too many matters. With one year it it, that goes daycare also begun, and I want not to stress him/it. I also place auf\'t, formula wants f for him/itüttern or bottles prepare, that are another reason, why I become quiet until 1 yr. At this time, I will begin to give him/it whole milk. He/it caught with solid K with 6 mosörpern at. and with 10 mos. it it, that nurses only 4 times per day anyway. Es\'s actually recommended, thereß you for the first 1-2 years nurses, or as you yearn, as it is comfortable for both you as well as the baby.
from the Lillian\'s... I was completely on my daughter\'s schedule. We, as she/it wanted to it, nursed ungef until her/it/themähr 15 months old and I wouldn was, she/it still works t as a nurse in the middle of the night. You/they were, trösten you feedings only. You/they wasn\'t hungry. I entwöhnte she/it, or I should say that she/it disaccustomed herself with 18 months. She/it said seriously, "everything expels a night care. I took, thereß as a ground and did her/it/them as a nurse a last time, so that I the binding time good-by could say. It was a wonderful experience. I hope, thereß you for as it nurses, you yearn as you can. Helps to prevent ear infections, that für small babies so painful is.
from Max, foals, Liam, the Madi U stops every time if it is right u-Gefühl for u and the child to hold. And a baby kann\'t has til 1 years of milk from cow, and alotta-Frauen, whom her/its/their children don\'t want, to have formula, then nursed til. Others nursed ungefähr 6 months til and then shifts to formula, everything depends on the woman and him/it, which she/it wants to do.
Therefore, the average is prolly between 6 months and 1 years to nurse for most women, in order to stop. I nursed my son 6 months long, one year wanted to make i, but it only didn\'t works out, it interested him/it no more.
I am present pregnant, and i with twins to take the trouble plans, she/it for, to nurse over one year.
Hope that helps this and luck,: D.
through xstarsxm.... the AAP recommends nursing exclusively, none baby food, grains or formula for 6 months full age. You/they also recommend to continue to nurse at least until 1 years
, taken from her/its/their place,
There is not any upper border to the duration of nursing and no proof of psychologic or development damage from nursing in the third year of living, or longer."
The WHO recommends 2 years the LEAST old until AT
, taken from her/its/their place,
"exclusive nursing is her/it the first six months long from lives way to nourish infants recommends, followed for until two years through continued silence with suitable complementary meal or beyond."
I plan, my daughter decides, when is for itself to be disaccustomed to be left. She/it is 12 months old, ißt tons of table meal, but really prefers her/its/their milkies.
through danielr
Because of his/its low class hid answer
If your baby boy gets heavily to look at your boob.
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