Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When is the best time to be stopped to be nursed?

When is the best time to be stopped to be nursed?

I nursed, and my daughter now is almost 5 months. I always believed, thereß I will hold, if she/it is 6 months. I do part-time, and f,ür the first 3 months pumped I, and she/it let breast only milked, but then, I had to begin because it had the babysitter, who gives also her/its/their formula, because more she/it started to eat. She/it REALLY doesn\'t like formula, however. My question is: I should continue to nurse on 6 months and if with it, f,ür like long, or should I try her/it/them away to ween with 6 months, and she/it will be used exactly for formula, must? Thanks:,

from Jess

Best answer chosen by voters

Take the trouble to place your milk with formula. Decrease slowly from breastmilk the crowd then and gain the formula. This way is not intirely other and dort\'s still a hint of you. SchließlichSchließlich will be used for the formula for her/it/them. But you könnenfragt \'t really, when holding is, cause really removes it from you? 25 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (18)

through lonestar.... it is gotten the full benefit of your breast milk, until she/it is 2 years old, so just after she/it began solids, you can continue, she/it for, to work as as a nurse, yearns as you, you to this point, and will put it many nutrients to the disposal.

I am Nazi no anti formula, but breast milk always is a better election for your child as formula. The more she/it gets from your milk, the better.

Why would you stop to pump and to nurse with 6 months if matters go well? I do itself turning full of time Alterations and goes to train full time, and my son still gets, at least 50 percent of breast milks every day, with only given formula after gone it it through all my pumped milk. He/it gets only the breast if mommy is at home.

13 percent 1 voices

from annoyed Lactivist Well, you keep in mind that she/it can begin solids soon, and is so capable, for between nursing sessions one, to go little longer. :)
Nursing is simply wonderful, and it is it normally for her/it/them in order to reject formula as good for one doesn\'t taste good!) ich\'d Dr.ängt you, to continue, she/it at least 12 months, that the minimum of the AAP will recommend to work as a nurse. The WHO recommends at least 2 years.

This is HER/ITS/THEIR decision of course, but the fact is left this for formula to breast milk was defeated, and she/it is only a baby once. :)


Nursing of my 25 months aged 13 percent 1 voices

I thought of Jill J, as means teeth both children got. OUCH! Is 1 bites everything, which it took! I believe, thereß it by six months was.

I stand despite the thumbs with my answer down. As so heavily of St Iit got ückchen that I bled, my milk wouldn\'t descends, how I would seize my baby on every time, would snap on it, so I had to give up as they got teeth. , The doctor said to snap her/it/them heavily on the cheek as they did, thereß, but I wouldn\'t does it, therefore I chose to begin bottle feeding instead,

through? Fleur & the gorgi-Addyson? WarumWarum him/it on the wrong stuff placed her/it her/it/them doesnt likes, if she/it can have the real stuff, you, f, remainür, to go as it, yearns as her/it, it wants that you can pump for her/it/them during yours with the work and will have her/it/them only a feed of you soon with night and in the morning and ou for it lived you just pumps, the benefits of breastmilk continue 1 voices 13 percent

from Lanie Many places there is to nurse women away, because however, they enjoy the close season with her/its/their baby, to have other ways that even feeding with one bottle times. I think, thereß, if a baby becomes sufficiently independent in order to handle one cup that always a good time to begin weening, is. It allows also the baby more Unabhängigkeit and the mommy. Make this of Gef for something youthe right matter is ühl to do,... finally is it your election. Glück. 13 percent 1 voices

through daqulynn, this is a question really not, for which somebody else can take responsibility you. Es\'s a very persönliche decision for you, that did. But I will say, thereß, as soon as your baby starts with solid meal, she/it so much breastmilk/formula won\'t demand. Solid Körper should be introduced with approximately 6 months.
Which pronouncement, that you make, knows that your child has benefited breastmilk at least from 5 months, and that is BIG!!!!
The best from luck! 13 percent 1 voices

through? BEC? ~ Mom to Lucy & Push ~ this is a very personal decision and nobody on the internet, can say you..
You/they should hold if it is no more the right matter, because you and your boy connected you. Für some mothers is this after one week and others, that it is after 1 years,..... sooner or later... * we * is the one, that the decisions must meet, that are right for us.

from Eliot K, It is the best for more than one year, even until several years, for breast feed for children.

But this challenges a quantity of the mother, not only in sense on time and inconvenience, but also in fighting of the prejudice against it, to work as a nurse in most developed countries.

La Leche-Verband is a big source:
You/they can, breast feeds her/it/them as it, you yearn as you like. Es\'s vollständig on to you! She/it becomes this, which you wählen, no matter fine is. If she/it the formula ahßt,.. you can try another..., if you choose to not breast feed. But on the end... es\'s this, with which comfortably you itself fühlen.

through tweenie0.... Breast lives for as it, you yearn as you possibly can. If you still use the pump können that is big. Maybe you/they also want to continue, until her/it/them reguläre milk can drink. It is recommended, thereß you at least to one year continues.

you, which get them u, get from u, this says, that you should nurse at least for one year. but if no more es\'s comfy für you or baby. check from this place

through?? the queen has Spoken?? nurse for as yearn you itself, as you can. At least, until you put her/it/them on whole milk. 13 percent 1 voices

through giggle... my mommy said with 1 years of hold, or 2, but in 1 is better

through smiley, my daughter is also 6 months, and I also still nurse. I will hold if she/it spin 12 months, thereß what says my doc anyway,...

through Alyssa and Chloe\'s mommy you let her/it/them continued until she/it chooses to hold. If you both geniusßen it, why holds with 6 months?

Because of his/its low class hid answer

Every time if your enough type says.

through officer Freundliches

Because of his/its low class hid answer


from ProudMom...

Because of his/its low class hid answer

... dont asks this question on it here.., if you feel your ready ones in order to hold.. then holds you.

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