Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When stopped u to nurse?

When stopped u to nurse?

and why?
to what did you change, and how?

from Monica H

Best answer chosen by voters

I held after 1 months, because didn\'t have any appetite i, and my prenatals made me sick. My baby had also a milk allergy, so that I rearranged her/it/them to a soy formula, and it immediately helped with rash, gas and Umständlichkeit. Use Enfamil, NOT similac, it, \'s much mild to the Stomach of baby!!! Goodluck!!! 50 percent 3 Wahlen-Ballabwehr to! ! RSS

This question about "When did, u stops brea. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (13)

from Michael my son 28 months and swopped to solid meal and water and nothing else will still drink as waters and he/it now are in 8,

through pipsquee... I nursed my first 6 months long and went too formula/bottle.
I nursed my second until 20 months and went exactly to a sippy.
I still nurse my 24 months old. 17 percent 1 voices

from Tiffany N gave 4 months and i on, because could not pump sufficiently i and goes to work,.. my son was exact time of consuming, as he/it ate,.. i had to feed him/it for it every hour and hours and had created not anything and didn\'t get much sleep at all... i didn\'t rearrange any iron to Ismail... i held gradually, however,... first i made one bottle every other feeding, and the formula started to hold him/it for a longer period of time across... nursing then only with night and this completely held... i was worried therefore with first, but my doctor calmed 1 voices are in the first 3 months me, that a baby gets the best nutrients from nursing, 17 percent

from USMC_Wif.... co all three of me was it differently. Für my eldest worked as a nurse he/it only some weeks. It gave one to SOUND to complicate factors at my end. My middle, that I nursed to one year. I hnursed longer ätte, but from this point, it interested him/it no more, now had better matters to do, that he/it was movable! lol. My jüngstes was approximately 14 months. He/it to stopped alone after development "to busy" with care! If you aufhören, to nurse a baby before 12 months old, you must use formula. If of K oldühe-Milch after 12 months will suffice. Glück!


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from DaYgO-Mädchen I wasnt, to nurse the opertunity, given, and this stank, but I heard about many that you stop one, in which her/its/their teeth come. First is natürlich becuase that he/it will bite.
But also you dont wants, that he/it is on the titi in order to yearn. But It simply can stand I like the pacifier, goes around to see a child, 2 yrs and has a pacifier in his/its mouth! i wants to go to the parents and smells this * * * * from them! I think the same Sachengehen für breatfeeding, O.K. 9 mouths are to be yearned, but if goes your baby and jumps, on snapping on to your titi you has you a problem!, not you the parent!, sad! but anyways i knows wasnt much help for him/it ouchßer Glück-i-ope, that you find the correct answer. You/they are switched on surprized alot more intelligent folk here is!

he/it very suddenly thought my son of Kelly P Für, ie had an acre of feed, but leaned 10 months only in the course is lunch time feed with from. After some interested times of trying, to accelerate him/it, and he/it this not being only at all, that I put him/it on normal formula, that I gave him/it in one cup. After we had to change over one month to soy formula as he/it got diarrhea approximately 8 times per day. I started with my daughter to replace her/its/their breast slowly, füttert therefore from approximately 10 months until at the moment, if she/it was approximate 11 - 11 1/2 months, to formula, I had stopped completley. SieSie is fine on normal formula, she/it now is 15 months old, and I give formula to her/its/their toddler, that she/it in the morning with Fr with night of a sipper-Tasseühstück and in one bottle before the bed has.

beside morning star, I waited until the children wanted to nurse no more. I have 4 children and the Zahnf between 20 months and 3.5 yearsüllung occured. 17 percent 1 voices

from HELEN B, if they get teeth,

from Chloe F after one month my son, on which snaps right only couldnt, but if original that doesn\'t have any support keep, that nurses as lond, as you conserve it cos the best for the baby. until the milk dried on i my self milked and it in bottles placed, and then, went i s26 on formula.

through maegs33, my first worked as a nurse until he/it was 2.5 years old. Why did we hold?

Because he/it held, he/it myself-disaccustoms this thought, that he/it restricted the time gradually, worked as a nurse he/it and how many times one day, he/it worked as a nurse until he/it only stopped to work as a nurse. It was simple, easy, no drama, no Tränen, no engorgement. We didn\'t really shifts since it to everything, if a child self entwöhnt, they don\'t need milk technically in any form. He/it drinks cow\'s milk, but it, \'s like I hörte on, to work on purpose as a nurse, to give him/it cow\'s milk.

I have a 11 month old presently and I hope that he/it also works full age as a nurse at least until 2 years, that is this for her/it through the world health organization,


Benefits, to work as a nurse after 12 months,

through angelcak... I stopped my first breasfeeding, as she/it was one, she/it rejected me, and I felt do you sore, i so cried me into the sleep at least for one week! I have it lol with my second f so farür 15 and half a week done and I hope, that he/it still wants to live, until he/it is in 2, but if he/it then rejects me, I guess mich\'ll must get done only with it. As mean daughter aufhörte, to nurse, she/it went exactly on Kühe-Milch, full fat. There is not any Bedürfnis, to give, follows on milk\' after the age of 1 you, there is not really any Zugaben-nutrirional-Nutzen from it, and it is only another way for the formula milk, that does confirming, to earn money.


Health visitors and falsifies advice

from Lil old I lived breast I exclusively for approximately 4 weeks, but then, the strange top of SMA-Formel gave to him/it regretably upward with night. He/it was so very much with night on, and I amounted ungefähr 1 lesson sleep per night in the average. This gave me more sleep and me, that were continued stupidly, a tiny bißchen, but gave him/it formula more and more gradually, that resulted into my body, that doesn\'t produce enough of my own milk. Before I it wußte, he/it had 2, 3, 4 formula milk nourishes itself per day and completely then changed to formula. I became broken up and wünsche that little more I one knows from nursing, so that I been able to continue. I become better für my next child knows.

through missworl... I held, as my first child was 91/2 months,
my second 3months too much pain
and my third was 12 3/4 months why he/it was I well bitting too much, and will serve i i back, shifted to fresh milk

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