Which age did you stop the nursing of your children?
My most recent be so ready 18 months and I that becoming done simply is not he/it, however., how do I get him/it freely, you stuff this boob? Will it do a quantity sore if I go cold turkey?He/it still works as a nurse 3x per day. Naptime, bedtime, and against 4 in the morning ich\'ve, to tell him/it only, tried "no" becomes he/it so annoyed and only throws an attack, until I give him/it the boob. Help!!
through T-Liebe
Best answer chosen by voters
I nursed my first daughter her/it itself for 3 1/2 years and her/it/them, this is disaccustomed. I now have twins, who are 22 months, and they still are both twice per day nursing. I plan as it continued until they want to hold. It is really gefühlsmäßig on them much more easily. If he/it wants doesn\'t to hold, you don\'t force for him/it.If you really don\'t want to try to offer him/it still, breast milk expressed in a sippy-Tasse if you normally fed him/it. Give him/it much, cuddles and hält, he/it closes as you would become if you nursed. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS
Other Answers (4)
through lady Lilya, that you have several questions here. ICH\'ll begins with the first... I, to work my son as a nurse until 2, because of the whole important brain growth in the second year, had planned. Up to the 2, he/it was in 2, he/it alone already was nursing, therefore I decided not to push him/it, and he/it held alone after it soon.
One of my friends stopped cold turkey, and she/it had much pain. But you könnten a small one, to ease around pressure, pumps. , Not too many or you will continue to do milk, and you place Kohlkopfblätter into your BRA, in order to calm her/it/them down.
I know that some women will tell her/its/their child, that her/its/their breasts go to sleep if it is dark to reduce some of the care. Adhesive tapes placed others over her/its/their nipples and says, that they are sick.
from OL, I stopped, my sons of over one week before her/its/their 1. , To give the boob to birthdays, with mine eldest daughter disaccustomed her/it/them I away by 11 months, but she/it still got breast milk in one bottle until she/it was one year old. IF I you wäre, I would remove the 4 in the morning, first lives one week long, and then nourishes the bedtime one week long for itself, and then nourishes the nap time one week long for itself. This is, my friend her/its/their children with what did. Glück.
Mommy of 4.from Shera O girls, #1 and #2 were approximately 3.5 years old..... #2 was one little few than this
5 months are in #3 and will be allowed to self, you disaccustom
18 months is fantastic, and he/it works this really not as a nurse often..... if so heavily he/it still relyes he/it on it for it for bedtime comfort as only humor one little longer
he/it won\'t do any mom as a nurse eternally, and he/it will disaccustom, faster than you everything alone thinks,
through newcomer mommy of the twins my son Nikko (now 6)... lets sees...
with 8, months of i would give him/it the boob one day, and recently, he/it would become for approximately 1month one bottle gets the bottle only perfered until him/it.
and 26days old one makes obly-Hoffnung i one, that will work for my new twins,
but-but if he/it really throws an attack, if then nourishes you breat dont itself, proposes i to take him/it to a doctor in order to see that it could possibly be all others affective plan of it there to get him/it freely slowly from the boob. good louck!
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