Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When did you stop to nurse your baby?

When did you stop to nurse your baby?

I am so tired from people, who ask, if I will stop, thinks 8 months to nurse old son! Seriously... really is it so strangely? I glätte, you feel like his/its doctor, tried to make me on how much for cut down, I nurse him/it. She/it told me, thereShould nurse of ß I him/it in nightly feedings only 4 times per day and me should say that, if I continue to work him/it as a nurse, vitamins must give to him/it \'ll... i believed that sufficed breastmilk for a baby, the young. He/it ißt also some table meal.

through mystic_e...

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You/they can hold! OMG! ICH\'m, that goes, to hold at the moment,... the play.

I still nurse a 2.5 year old and a 11 month old.

Some medical organizations have this belief, that a baby "of iron stores runs out after 6 months, if they are nursed. This was refuted completely. Ever länger a baby exclusively the lower, that the risks of the anemia are, is nursed.

Also some doctors believe that breastmilk vitamin D is insufficient. DiesDies is from the wrong belief, thereß you vitamin D should eat, because is a vitamin. Vitamin vitamin D is be no vitamin a prohormone, that is made to the sun on abandonment.

He/it absolutely needs nothing but breastmilk AND sun abandonment (love), you roof over his/its head, blah blah,

Check from:

Beyond the Breastmilk
/ nutrition/solids/tod.? / one >
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thank you, believes i, that my doc is crazy!
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Other Answers (15)

through lc no it is not strange. The Worldhealthorganisation recommends at least 2 years and beyond. Minimum is the first year, as it, s the primäre sources of the nutrition. You/they should him/it f upon requestüttern, it develops healthy eating habits and trust. Her/its/their breastmilk has, all vitamins, that he/it, ouchßer iron, any fortifed-Getreide needs, will help with it.

Her/its/their doctor must do any reading.

You/they do a wonderful matter and protect your baby, improving of his/its IQ, binding and feeding from illnesses from him/it at the important the way that he/it was intended to become fed.

I would hold with 15 months, cause, that wanted to become I pregnant,), otherwise I would become to go to continue,

through ~ Ariana ~ I stopped in order to nurse 8 or 9 mos because I was willing to return to the work and to formula needed, you nourish my children, before it, completely.
But it depended on ME, you can nurse your baby as it, you yearn as you, you want!! It is actually recommended, that you nurse, you develop ages in 1!!! and as yearn you itself as your baby, solid eats on a regular basis and a variety of the meal gives it NO need of vitamins!! That is one bouquet of shit!! some doctors only dont sees the sense nurse your baby on the first 3 months!!
I will say keep, as it your baby for AS it nursed, you yearn AS YOU/THEY AND HER/ITS/THEIR LACK of BABY! It it, that actually most rather than solid K at theörper his/its nutrients of milk gets, dont holds, until you want to it.


Mommy of Matthew almost 4 and Gabriella rose 20 mos

through ang3lb3a.... my son is approximately 7, and one half month and I don\'t plan to hold anytime soon. I muß to my studies return if he/it turns one, but if he/it wants it, I still take the trouble to feed him/it mornings and night, and which others tense, that I am with him/it at home, if he/it wants to it. It is your decision and the Längere, you continue the better. If you land, want to stop every time \'t soon, you don\'t do. I have F for him/ithe/it belongs ülle, all needs a baby one until old, milk is anyways. My son ißt also some table meal, but mostly milk. Some days, that he/it has, füttert 5 milk some days only 4. Hören you your baby only zu\'s marks and I am sure that you will go do it well.


Mummy to a 7 1/2 month old bubby-Jungen

through W\'s-Mama, my daughter is only three months old, but I plan to continue to work at least as nurses until she/it is one. People continue to tell me, "Oh, only wait, until she/it gets teeth. Sie\'ll alter your opinion fast". people around the world nurse at her/its/their children, who teethe! It isn\'t verrückt. I say, hängen you in there and does you as as a nurse, you yearn as you and your child lack. But on a side note, I has goört, these nursed babies should get vitamin D, supplements because it picked up well isn\'t in breastmilk, and maybe most babies get direct sun abandonment, in order to get enough vitamin D alone, sufficiently not this so that is, what means the doc, if she/it talks about vitamins. Only a thought.

I know about annoyed Lactivist!!! It gets annoying so. I wünsche, that more people would inform themselves about natural ages to disaccustom before shooting with me away,...
Sophie turned 2 today, yay, and works as a nurse upon request. I don\'t have any Pläne, to disaccustom her/it/them, although ich\'m 6 weeks together with #2.
I remember, when she/it was 6 months, and her/its/their pediatrician said that she/it didn\'t have to nurse with night. Yes RIGHT!! LMAO!
BTW Ihr doctor is full from shit. Nursed, babies don\'t need any vitamin ergsänzungen! Maybe there is bügeln you in breast milk in contrast to formula, but it picked up better. :) Breast milk is perfect. Remain it on mom!!

Kathy Dettwyler has any FANTASTIC-Informationen! Is some articles here:
wow i never heard from a doctor, who says this!

My babys-Arzt always says like his/its big one un still breastfeeing, my son is 9 months, and yearns to continue to go as it as i-Dose.
He/it nurses upon request, I give him/it, baby food, if it seems, calms hungrily more similarly hes, and he/it also likes this!

My main goal is in order to nurse, you develop 12months hes. ppl asks me after the same matter, I dont thinks the thinking of it, unh, sie\'wiederöflich, to be, or anythiing however.

Nurse as it, you yearn as you, you believe, that you should!
My son had to see only a blood result, if he/it anemic or something and hes-Geldstrafe would be, therefore nursing quite gives enough baby from that, what they need. Also is well für YOU/THEY, the one Multi-vita or prenatal pil took, itl rather gaurentees your milk is u good for baby, do you know? Hope i helped.



through d-(^_,... my son würde doesn\'t nurse, but we fought until he/it was approximately 2 1/2 months old. After him/it, that I pumped until my milk supply, ließ after, which was over it, as he/it was 6 1/2 months old. Not certainly why he/it wouldn\'t breast feed, we glätten, lactation advisors came and helped us. He/it wit only screams ürde as he/it was put on the breast. Therefore, he/it was gefütterte bottle, and formula then accelerated. But if has k Iönnte, I still would nurse him/it, 9 months old, until he/it over one year was.

through.. EC.? ~ mommy to Lucy & push ~ a baby needs after 6 months of iron in it, is this are iron stores normally used up food, as it is, about then... maybe this what is, your doc, also refer.... BUT... nothing, which I read, and I explore alot, does any recommend, less as 3 or 4 until 12 months one day nurses, and so many like you after then wish,... your medical sounds like one of that oldschool, illinformed ppl that jumped formula freight car on him/it tape as it first arrived and never got out.

I still nurse old daughter my 8 months, indeed quiet I at the moment lol, I think about trading a supply to formula, but I plan continuing, still for, to work much longer as a nurse, despite nascent constantly asked, "when will you begin bottle the feeding of her?"... hmmmm... never!!, formula becomes from a sippy-Tasse if is with everything,
Good for you for doing of which feelings for you and your son right

from Cin, you nurse as it, you yearn as u-Mangel! my family is aufwärts my * * * asking of me to hold, that now my girl 4 months with 6 months and shes nurses. The single matter, that I do, gives more erg my baby vitaminänzt because she/it gets sufficiently vit D of the breastmilk doesn\'t. If your baby also meal ißt, he/it should be O.K..

through empathy flat I, to work my small girl as a nurse at least for one year, maybe even two years. I believe, thereß I she/it exactly will have decided, if she/it wants to hold. That is a really strange matter für a doctor to opinion. Un verblüffte also through it. Well für you and ignores other people. You/they do this, which für baby best is!

from SS4 Elby, fine simply is 8 months, there is no real problem with it as it, you yearn as you hold in an appropriate age. Someday maybe after one year or so. Hölle, if you want to go longer going for it! His/its fantastic für the child.

through locks you Obber!!!! the nuts of your doctor. Let done your baby upon request for a nurse, until it it no more a baby.

I would not stop, a "baby" to quiet...


Working of 14mo infants as a nurse

through gypsies, my daughter was 14 months old as she/it disaccustomed herself. This baby, one never had bottle feed. I weiß that could be a little extreme, but I was capable, with her and me at home to sein\'m so gladly was I.

through Erdemutti quiet I still my 8 months old. I plan to work him/it, that he/it is at least two years old, as a nurse, or every time if he/it is willing to hold. I Hafen\'t really asked for them/her/it "Opinion" of his/its doctor, and I am not also really interested in it. He/it wächst simply fine, as his/its percent are in the normal selection and him/it, s what is important! You/they können rather many information on-line finds, and the sad fact that many doctors are informed of nursing (your son) sick is treated s because he/it is one of them.

You/they could consider to visit a La Leche-Verband meeting whether there is in your area one. The women there könnten capable, to give you correct advice and to lead also you to it, is one nursing "of friendly" pediatrician in your area.

I found an outstretched "nursing friendly" doctor through our local Zusatzteil-parenting-Gruppe recently. She/it treats children and adults, therefore my son and I both climbs toover to her about, I already have, and ich\'m that transfers him/it next month.


from KyLuMum, I nursed my daughter myself-disaccustomed with 14 months until her/it/them. Most childrendoctors, at least the normal skillfully, not similarly your doc, you propose, that you nurse, because the optimal minimum is one year and thinks that they get maximum benefits if you nurse one full year long, and then any months, after this only froze on the cake.

I don\'t understand, why you would have to give him/it vitamins, if you continue to work as a nurse, you don\'t make any sense at all so simple.

I nurse presently means old son and my plan 3 months, as it made them/her/it for resembling, as I did with his/its sister and allow him/it to self, you disaccustom. Don\'t-Sorge about people, who put pressure on you, about aufzuhören, to feed him/it, it obviously is not be her/its/their child and she/it very intelligent or well-informed, if they ask you that over a 8 month old.

Will my daughter be in November 11 and have her/its/their whole life, both, that lasted approximately 2 days,) had a total of 2 colds and never has had an ear infection..., how can each Art of stats with those discuss?

Continue to do that, for what you make mom! Develop a numbness into ignorant speech and continue, für this candy baby of you, to provide!


Mommy to Kyla and hatch

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