When should stop i to nurse?
a 2 year old baby has i, and still nurses i, all ask me to hold, but my son doesn\'t want any other milk. as i Brustf canütterung stops?it really doesn\'t want to hold i because he/it never becomes sick and really active,
any advice?
from Ellen
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However, it is really niemands businesses for yours, that your son still nurses. But because there many people with it ignorantover, to nurse beyond 6 months to one year, is, most mothers place auf\'t it discusses with somebody.Continue to nurse as it, you yearn as you, and your child would like. Unambiguous is no one of you ready, too entwöhnen.
Hospital IBCLC and the group leader of mothers 20+ yearsMommy to 3
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Other Answers (8)
from C J that the best time to hold, is which job as the two from you, not any magic number! Ignore the naysayers, it is nützlich, to continue after 2 years old.
This said, it is important that you let your child adjusted to all types of meal and other forms of the milk. At this point, his/its food should be version of your own one a baby. If he/it doesn\'t like any milk, quantity at meal rich on other forms of the calcium like yogurt, K,äse follows and so on straight and the time over you the chimney pyramid both will lose interest in nursing of course.
the baby is through IBCLC & Nurse JC Allowing, this disaccustomed of course to hold the best time. Forget which other people opinion. If she/it comments over you, that then nurse a 2 year old, does, they had education sufficiently not over the benefits of stretched out care. Ignore her/it/them. If she/it you auftrügen, to rub whiskey for it on his/its rubber, this would ignore for you to teethe you discuss. You/they do the best matter, thereß you for both you as well as your son can.
through? Bless 3 times? So hält dont.. you makes the absolutely best for your child.. all must concern her/its/their business, as daughter thinks in two turned, and I still nursed her/it/them, everyone pulled a face.. I only said them, they are uneducated, and I am an excellent unselfish mommy.. good work on precautionary excellent nutrition for your baby and an excellent bond..
through brandy Morey, that I feed, that my two boys inform them of it, where she/it also wants to hold 2 didnt, but I felt it was me, that it was time, hard both time, but if you can always pump your ready one and left the baby have the milk in one cup or fills..... as yearn you itself as u pump u, milk will produce......
from Beth You has to hold until you, not, or your son wants to it. It puts still many benefits für your son and you ready. If gladly of Sie\'wieder thereover, you place to go away, and you ignore the naysayers!
from Z, if is you and he/it both ready to hold. Dort\'s absolutely no damage to it, f,ür one other year or two, to nurse, and many medical benefits.
from Mrs. Jones First of all, good for you!
Let informed you of nobody when to stop to nurse, is. You/they and your child becomes the together beschließen.
from Elijah
Because of his/its low class hid answer
Until the baby of one bottle can suck,
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