Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When should I stop to nurse my daughter?

When should I stop to nurse my daughter?

She/it is 6 months old and doesn\'t show any interest in holding soon.
We have bottle feeding, sippy-Fütterung and even cup feeding tries. She/it rejected everything, she/it wants only breast. , I guess, thereß she/it it white, \'s the best,
I don\'t have any access to a breast pump. , ouchßer a manual one, that I got from the hospital,

I don\'t want to stop to nurse, because I white, how good it is for her/it/them. But I muß her/its/their throat Formeldaune gets. They it a high risk medical baby, and this, Doctors want that she/it brings 12 oz of high calorie to Mißabsorption-Formel,... I tried a SNS and supplements nursing system, only with the first time as luck.

Karla already knows where the milk comes from it. She/it tells me if hungrily they it through it, "boooo-Buhrufdussel, to say lol,
She/it lifts will lean my shirt and she/it for itself backwards, so that she/it can get in in the position to eat.

We go at all nowhere, but I simply don\'t want to come "strangely" in public... I wants to have also no cut of line. If they it 1 and still wants it, then, I will give it to her/it/them, but 2 years and going to me then meal makes me restless...

Idk, if I should stop to nurse her/it/them?

from Ai-Ren..

Best answer chosen by Asker

This is one completely severely discussed text, but it really depends on you and your daughter. Fit on the Stichwörter on that gives her/it/them to you and you ll knows, when she/it is ready for disaccustoming. There are some, that continue, aufwärts, to nurse, to deposit by 7 or 8, because they think, it is the best for her/its/their child.

Interview with a woman, who nursed her/its/their daughter, until she/it was 8 years old,:
Asker \'s Comment:
The first brought me to feeling restless, but I saw it previously...
On the 2. Video said it this:
It is no coincidence that a child\'s immune system is ripened completely full age by 6 years. If you (baby) Zthey then are disaccustomed verloren\'ll-Selbst ähne 1/2 - 8 between 2...
I, I am gonna-Krankenschwester as it, you yearn save for itself, as I can, to! ! RSS

Other Answers (7)

from Carrie if you feel his/its time, knows youll (=

most people don\'t think any till old of Mary you itself there at and as yearn one year as she/it, is, healthy i would not worry therefore and if original from and over and she/it says that she/it wants to eat, or boobs lol goes on a toilet like for me, the i around the shopping center, that now feeds my son hes 13 months, walked and no boob lol however he/it still is a boob man, he/it sees my shirt downward, and must tell to him/it i no, but no breast, that feeds him/it at all, would change i

from Kim R Right by 1 years, it is good as you yearn as she/it eats other meal. You say she/it cut off Don\'t from cold turkey she/it only one day. Offer her/its/their allmählich more solid meal and allows a discount of you the nursing time. Let her/it/them you see a Getränk from one cup takes out and offers you her/it/them some. Yes, es\'s flipped out, older children, to see mommy asking for the boob in public places,...

through glad mommy of 2 That, it is sooooo cute as she/it lets you known! I was only f to BF 3 monthsähig because my lack of milk. I hdone ätte it to one year. Doctors, who say all, to take the trouble, until she/it, is 1 years old.

from Haruhi Breastfeed as yearn you itself, as you wish for both.
The AAP recommends a minimum of 1 years, that of WHO a minimum of 2 years. Both agree, thereß it healthy, of course, and useful is, 3 years long, to nurse, and beyond, placing of no over old-age border of nursing. You/they notice also an erhöhtes risk of the illness of children, who are disaccustomed 2.

It is my opinion, that it is the best, for your daughter to be allowed to decide if she/it is done(aka child-led for disaccustoming. If enthält both with it many benefits of you.

I am present my 3 years of tandem care old and 1 years old, and they will hold if they are ready.

I am no doctor, but I really believe that is breastmilk better for her/it/them, as formula. And they tell one year the LEAST BEI.

Plans then, you start I, as it nursed one year long, to disaccustom so that the babies are done by 18 months. I wäre also a 2 year comfortable nursing not old. Maybe I pump and Verwendung-sippy-Tassen, but 18 months is für bottles to it too old. Some women make it länger, and that is fine, but I also wouldn\'t is comfortable doing it even.

Because of his/its low class hid answer

it is, it is go ahead personal election, through old one, you only for comfort, sometimes mommy!, & leaves you detain her/it/them simply a little longer a baby. serve water in her/its/their cup & troubles you a back box, she/it asks for extension with you only maybe. in the age of 6 mos, she/it can start to eat solid meal, that the entwöhnenden process begins. the manual pump pulled i, but your insurance company, before & Lactation advisors can help you to get a mechanical one, if it is used.

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