When is, it times in order to stop to nurse?
My son now is 3 months old. I wanted to nurse him/it only 3 months long. But it really difficult für him/it, the a fight took. Evan, if milks it breast l in itäßt. How hält i? Un the gonna initially school für one week. Therefore, hes gonna care begins. What makes i? Thanksfrom Kim
Best answer chosen by voters
I would take the trouble to continue, for, to nurse as it, you yearn as possible... at least 6 months however one year would be, you even improve! ICH\'ve hörte from mothers, who are her/its/their babies with them and the professors, who support, to the school brings. NatI place auf\'t ürlich, your situation knows, but this could be something, in which you want to see. I also believe, thereß it especially important, to continue nursing, will be, because you will be from him/it away,... the proximity and binding this comes with nursing, will be useful to both of you.If he/it has difficulties with the bottle, there are other ways to live,... one cup spoon shot.... you its exactly sure, that the keeper will be patient and wants to do this. a gro isßes means to it, to nurse mothers. ICH\'m certainly können you there any info finds.
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Other Answers (5)
from Ghee if possibly, you go at least to 6 months
He/it has problems with one bottle, you don\'t fight, because the nipple is different, you trouble another type of bottle of a nipple of the breast nearer, as of Playtex or Nuk -
You/they should be capable to pump milk for it and to freeze, if you at the school, It would be the best if before now been you this, is, but at least now begins!
DiesDiesDiesDies means, that you" must pump "each remaining milk, or if he/it lives on a side, the other pumps, and the milk freezes, they have one, if you use Playtex, "freezable"-Taschen, or you can use Reißverschlußschloß-Gefrierschrank bags, but guarantees, that you" go out "with them, and the older persons first use, Measure and freezes only enough for one bottle, how, if he/it drinks 4 ounces, you place only 4 ounces into a bag, you write how much and date on it--
Then, every morning, you take out only one bag and take you the milk a clean bottle, for every feeding, will thaw fast, and it can be heated before feeding.
Worked I, as mine was small, can also be made for it it, your problem, one bottle finds, at the moment, that your son will take, also, it helps if "somebody else feeds him/it" the bottle because he/it knows that you have the "real matter", and will remove it you, doesn\'t want!!, they are, more clever than she/it sees,
Luck -
through cypurple, I actually now am goin through it to the 4. Time. With everyone, I took one one month, about her/it/them vollständig, to disaccustom. , To be, to them again somthin. As something if it takes again somthin r u doin, you time in order to learn ihn/es. The Babybedürfnisse times in order to learn. ICH\'ve now been wrkn-Witz he/it 4 actions per week one he/it is now jus getn, to where he/it can stink right on the bottle. Babies get nipple confusion. I startd joke feedin füllt then breast from. Now we r with 3 Flaschenfütterungen to 1, that nurses. This also helps, original milk, to dry up more slowly, with it it doesn\'t hurt so badly. Hope, thereß helps a lil. Don\'t b shied, about original local health abbot. , to name. Für help a piece of advice.
through first moos you, I would look for ways to keep my baby with me anytime. If it is möglich for you, to delay the school at the element of it? It is Oder for möglich for you, to go on-line to the school?
This duration with your baby is precious. As soon as gone es\'s, it went! He/it needs you!
If there is not any way for you to stay with your baby, I would inform La Leche-Verband for information about it breastmilk like too bottlefeed. You/they are an awesome organization. Maybe there is one local group near you.
/? Humanly milks you dafür.10
through lifeofag...
Because of his/its low class hid answer
As soon as you buy breast pumps,
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