What is, a good ages in order to stop to nurse my baby?
Is my baby boy 9 months old, and I still nurse, I heard many other opinions on when to stop to nurse, is, but say me somebody of experience?Also, how do you disaccustom your baby of the breast if the time comes? My baby loves to nurse, so that I weiß, it will be very difficult.. thanks for advance!
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Thank so very much for your awesome answers all! I think the single problem, that I have with nursing, is, thereß my son only 2 teeth got, and he/it now and then bites me.3
from Gabrielle?
Best answer chosen by voters
If you ever feel like it, time is. I think, thereIs glad to be worked ß as as a nurse, as yearns both you as well as your baby, is fine, but according to my opinion, I believe that nursing bygone age 2 pushes it. Some mommies prefer to let decided her/its/their child, but persI won\'t do it önlich for me old on 1 years. Das\'s something, which I not simply wünsche, to do.I already offered my 7 months old that a sippy-Tasse and she/it well answer. Bemühen you the Nuby sippy-Tasse. It läßt shoots a soft rubber:,
Breast, that now lives 7 months long, and I enjoyed it, but I look forward to the day as I reclaim my boobs,:) 57 percent 4 Wahlen-Ballabwehr to! ! RSSOther Answers (10)
through not to creative, I prefer to work as a nurse until a child is willing to disaccustom itself/themselves, meaning, as soon as he/it doesn\'t want to work as a nurse.
So that I don\'t disaccustom my baby, she/it disaccustoms herself. Sie\'ll cut allmählich the feedings down, as she/it grows older.
I would hold personally by 12 months... gives you or a reception some months..
Or you can be one of those ladies, that nurse her/its/their son, until they are in 12,... this would be cute..
from Weenie W hello i felt, that the time was right for my two boys with 6 months, but every time if you feel ready. asl omy first loved nursing and rejected to take formula, so that my husband had to it, until him/it ouchßer of my second was used for it, although he/it found fun in nursing, he/it took the formula easily.
through amada_ro... I disaccustomed by 14-15 months... a quantity, older than I believed, that I would become. My son really also loved it. I did this... I started to use a Nuk-Flasche, that he/it liked, and I told him/it there that no more milk was in my boobs. I only showed and said no more, and my H putände upward, you, it didn\'t give anything, which could make i against it. I said no more here, but is any milk here here. He/it first cried, but it worked. I made also my breast inaccessable to exact and even slept on it with a BRA and a shirt. This helped a quantity. No verführerische clothing a few months long, at least about the baby.Then, i used a nuk-Ausbilder, you make hollow in order to bring him/it to a sippy-Tasse.
through lar_dawg... 9 months. I saw, thereß some mommies in her/its/their small child years as a nurse her/its/their child, type of sick, works if you ask me.
through ketchupk...
from MilkMakingMama of Liam & Kaegan, that I am O.K. with it, to work as as a nurse, you yearn as mom, and baby is glad. There is not to hold any magic time. I fühle personal, that you should nurse at least for 1 years, so that the baby won\'t need any formula. I still nurse means old son 19 months, but he/it is to Schläfchenzeit and night nighttime depresses, and it is that. You/they müssen not middle over it is, I was very gentle to my son and he/it is fine with it, only twice, to work as a nurse per day, and will be fine, if he/it ever is willing to hold. I don\'t see him/it work more as some further months than a nurse because he/it only now works as a nurse some minutes long. Only, because you your child beschließen, when is doesn to disaccustom, left, t means, that they become eternally quiet, they hold normally alone, if mom stops to propose it, they are until at the moment three. Through this time, they are too beschäftigen, in order to need time, to cuddle for long periods of time with mom. Trust HER/ITS/THEIR instincts! Don\'t let informed you, what, of each other to do, is. This is your baby, and you get them/her/it extremely decision. If you somebody aufträgt, to give up, and thinks you, that is not you and baby ready, tell you that she/it, that stuffed it! 14 percent 1 voices
through, Rubi`s Mom My, the friend a difficult time had to disaccustom from the breast, and no lie, that was he/it for breast-fed until him/it, was 3. Yes 3yrs old, i ones couldnt believes it, but it actually worked out of property because he/it now is a genius. Brust-gefütterte children have higher IQs.
It speaks me jargon in behalf of me because my daughter hated breast milk.
through becca Lynn, many people have strong opinions about this topic, but for me, and I have 4 children & a due one soon, I took the trouble to nurse everyone of them one year long. This was I with it wouldn\'t to suppliment with expensive formula has, that of baby vollj until 12 monthsährig either breastmilk or formula needs, and so I wanted that she/it the absolutely best nutrition (breastmilk) for as it has, you yearn as me, knew, that they needed it. As soon as she/it vollj to 12 monthsährig comes, she eat nearly all types of table meal and can anfangen\'s-Milch with cow, and they let all her/its/their nutritional needs therefore now correspond without care. Plus, that is a good time to me für she/it, to get her/it/them, she/it is disaccustomed as they are more movable, & can you transition to one cup more easily. That is proper, what I do, if this month comes, thereß I me, to disaccustom, decides, is, I reduce one day slowly the number of cares. I exchange the first morning, that either works as a nurse with milk of one bottle or one cup, plus Frühstück. DannDann after some days becomes I the Abendfütterung takes out, normally used, to place her/it/them to the bed, and begins a new nighttime routine for her/it/them, that were used for it, how swinging in the chair during not nursing, and so on & therefore on until my milk is supply very low & the baby eats & normally drinks.
from Pippin, the American academy of the pediatrics recommends to nurse for a minimum of one year, and so long after it as both mother as well as Babywunsch. The world health organization recommends "until 2 years or beyond." Most other sources has similar advice, 1-2 years or more, as wished,
Therefore, if you can nurse more for at least 3 months, the best for everyone are. , Entwöhnend you before a Jahr\'d must disaccustom to a formula and bottles, and then disaccustoms again from the bottle, after it, if you still enjoy it, and baby enjoys it, he/it becomes benefit of breastmilk for as it gets, you yearn as you decide in favor of continuing. , It gives NO proof of the damage of it, w,ährend the toddler/preschool-Jahre, to work as a nurse, it allowed to self, you disaccustom, most children therefore do between 18 months 3 years, although some will go longer, or a little one disaccustom earlier.
If you decide, disaccustoms to disaccustom before baby self, then, you make so slow and gradual. To times, as he/it wants to work as a nurse in general, könnten you him/it with other matters distracts, a small thing, a game, times with daddy. If care is an important part of his/its bedtime routine, you, d fügt the routine (history) other matters song to it, bath, and so on, therefore if care is interjected, there will be still other familiar comforts.
All children finally disaccustom, therefore if you are at a time, as your child is especially solid, you only are patient. In some weeks, or some months, he/it, \'ll probably has a spell, if he/it fortified, and you können any advance does.
I decided in favor of disaccustoming with approximately 14 months. It went smoothly für both of us, although, if I will have another child, I probably longer would go, maybe 18 months 2 years,
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