Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When did you stop to nurse?

When did you stop to nurse?

Hello. Expecting at the 20. July of my first and the marvel only over some matters. :)

When did you stop to nurse? Why wählten you this time? Everyone started to nurse, but, to give up, decides, früher as expected?

Also, how long can lent you to save breast milk?

through a_hunter...

Best answer chosen by voters

My daughter is nursed property. I expected to hold with 4 months and counters to formula. She/it then became ausschlie me, that was rearranged to formula,ßlich until 4 months nursed, but I nevertheless nurse her/it/them with night. I kann\'t hält this feeding, that I feel, that is bound with her, at and it is easy, not in the middle of the night, to do one bottle, to get up. Therefore ißt she/it formula of 6:30, is to 10 pm and is nursed from 10pm to 630, is. It works für us and i, it has expect longer than besides it done, won\'t go more months besides a couple, as soon as she/it everything sleeps through the night, that still wakes up 3-4 times per week for a feeding 1-2 times per night. Glück! 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (10)

from dragonfly girls ~ Haley is 1, my daughter is 6 months and still nurses, you intend to go to 1 years, but you can protect breastmilk pumped like follows:

Freshness freshness Milch can be kept away temps at room for 6-8 hours, that depend on the temp of the room.
Freshness freshness Milch can be kept for until 8 days in the fridge
UndUnd frozen milk can in the Gefrierschrank for until three months or 6 months in a deep Gefrierschrank is kept.

through mom of Zee, I have a 14 month old, and I still nurse, although economically now, only I had planned to nurse, you develop 6 months. But my baby never got the hängen you of the bottle, therefore I placed to go away. Then as she/it a little older was, she/it probably would have gotten this you hang from one bottle. But I believed, why I at all one bottle wants to introduce. ICH\'ve gone 9 months, that nursed,... I can do 3 further months.

Therefore, I intended to start to disaccustom with 1 years old..., but doesn\'t have yet. ICH\'m only nursing morning and night now..., but I guess, thereß I not in a gigantic rush, to give up, is.

through katatins, I only start to slow down with it to nurse after 10 months. I hheld ätte earlier, but my twin boys decided didn\'t for them everything wants to do with one bottle so that my boobs became her/its/their hostages! But, ich\'m fähig, to have been, to do as it, you yearn pleased for itself as me, has you and only holds, because they continue to bite me, and a quantity hurts! ICH\'m, that begins to pump, completely often, and my milk of one cup gives them, and becomes my milk allmabolishes ählich gradually and it with formula replaces / the milk of cow.

IchIch knows, that you can save for a few days of pumped milk in the fridge, but I either hold on to it in straight away or it gives them within the lesson few after it.

Be successful with your small one!

from Bella I, that nurse with 3 months, stoped I could simply not uphold my supply with my son hungrily. He/it always was an assorted baby of decreasing because of him/it at the beginning. I believed, thereß I quiet would become, until he/it was 6 months old. But he/it is much glad and fullier on formula, as my weak one milk supply abschöpft. I lowermostütze nursing if possibly, but doesn\'t judge, those go with formula. One of both decision is fine, and your baby will be healthy.

from Mom to 3 under 8, I planned co my first, 6 months long, to work as a nurse, and then, where going from there is to be calculated. Beside this point, care went so well, thereß I me, to continue until one year, decided. KurzKurz after her/its/their 1. b-Tag entwöhnte I she/it simply twice per day to it, first matter in the AT THE and directly before the bed, you disaccustomed completely with 14 months, as I was #2 with baby pregnant 6 months, I didn\'t let any milk therefore left maybe.

My 2. Child drank 2 1/2 years long at the breast. I took only one day of matters at a time, and she/it entwöhnte alone, as I was #3 with baby pregnant 6 months.

My 3. Child still drinks 1-4 times per day at the breast, and he/it will be 3 in August. I thought myself so long, but here nie\'d-Krankenschwester, we are. He/it is slow, but the Einschränken definitely his/its care, but I, \'m, that doesn\'t push him/it at all. I place wei auf\'tß, how long he/it will work as a nurse, but it works simply well for us.

beside scooters, I wanted one year long to BF, I believed that it would be so easy, ah! My baby mußte with 5 days for jaundice into the hospital old is delivered because he/it, that gets enough meal, wasn\'t although I had him/it on the breast every hour or two. You/they started, him/it automatically one formula ergänzung, to give, because he/it needed it. I bemühte me then, to increase my supply, worked with a lactation advisor and all, but still had to supplement formula. In order to cover ihn/es away with two months, we discover, thereß he/it a milk protein allergy has. I gave schließlich on, to give him/it breast milk at this time, because I spare supplemented and no dairy wanted to give up. Therefore für me did it I only two months, I didn\'t have ANY ground how hard it will be. I cried, as I decided to hold, but it was the correct decision für me and the good news is, that he/it slept through the night by 11 weeks, that I land, thinks \'t, would have happened, I had continued. What you always decide for itself or, like long you wählen, to do it, Don, brand left somebody t you bad feeling for your decision. Yes is it für she/it and the longer better, you can make the better for him/it, but sometimes it doesn\'t works out planned like you. Glück to you!


Mommy of a 5 month old the partial 2 months long BF was.

beside KS, my first goal was to be nursed at least for 6 months. As soon as we brought this to marking, I thought uns\'d goes to his/its first birthday. He/it unequivocally wasn\'t ready, with one year too entwöhnen, and I didn\'t see the need to force it, therefore with 13 months he/it still works as a nurse.

And the first responder covered the camped milk, you question well.

through quiquis0.... hello. healthy i stops to nurse, as my baby was 8 months, because became again i pregnant, but my plans were to quiet until she/it was in 1.

beside Florida Mom My, son is 10 months. I plan as it held if he/it turns one. Some people remain going and das\'s groß, but I wanted only for the first year to.

the reason thought of Chels i with 5.5 months and was that pumped i exclusively, and i stopped to produce enough milk. i also wanted at least für 6 month pumps and because sufficiently near i and the not doing even of half of that, what my son ate at a time, was, decided i, that it was time to be held.

any milk held i for unites hrs distant, hospital said that is 4 hrs temp fine in rooms, and if had too much sitting near 4 hrs out or i would get, stored it i in the fridge and can last this until 8 days. freezing last months of it.

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