When to stop to nurse?
My story is very long so that I will take the trouble to make it short,:Had many questions of it to nurse the first few weeks long from my Töchter-Leben,
Pumped exclusively and dried up with 3 weeks
If daughter gave formula, and she/it developed caustic reflux and allergies to the formula,
everything, which we could, did in order to help her/its/their and nothing worked!
Begun silence again successful, as she/it was 6 weeks,
She/it now is 2 months old and doing of better a quantity. Thing is, I muß decline to work in a minimum of some months... I places auf\'t she/it wants to disaccustom from the breast and her/its/their beginnings, that however, questions have again with formula. I won definitiv\'t is fähig, to pump with my work. EsEs is not, you think of the beginning until the end of her/it Alteration i\'m happy, if I get a bathroom break! I am the manager so that I do this to myself. lol I fühle, that I must be there. I place wei only auf\'tß something, to do. I begin a camp of the Brustmilch\'t wei in our Gefrierschrank and our Donß, how long it will last, if I must go back to work. When she/it is will 6 months, she/it takes, the formula improves because her/its/their digestive system is developed more? Some solid K become plus her/itit eats örper so that her/its/their reflux will be a little better. I place wei only auf\'tß something, to do!
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I would continue to do for what you now do. Continue to build your camp. If you to the work to theückkommen, you take it only to one time one week. Do your daughter as a nurse während at home and gets early to work and pumps at least once, then. It doesn\'t muß all the formula or all breastmilk is. If and if your supply anfängt, to fall, her/its/their caretakers can start to supplement with formula if there are none of enough expressed milk. With 6 months, she/it probably becomes also solid Körper begins, will help with it, also. Only you make a step for him/it at a time because you really land, \'t weiß, as exactly everything will rotate out.There now is a federal law in order to pump to prepare time and a place part of the healthcare-Gesetzgebung of last year, that now demands from many jobs,).
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Other Answers (5)
vonvon Asparagu... well is the good matter this breast, that can keep milk until 6 months in the Gefrierschrank,:) and from your place of the employment is demanded, it you, to allow, to pump every 2-3 hours. i believes, thereß she/it only to a long time ago not this law gave a farewell. You/they shouldnt, to go through the swelling and the pain, is forced if not your a manager or.
from Josee Deaville Well,as, you yearn as you have the suction,your that body will produce milk. What you do, müssen, reception is the breast milk and placed it into a bottle,gradually, you give more of the bottle and less of the boobie! Es\'s Works! Bemühen you other brand formulas also for the baby!
Find out!beside K Solids and water of one cup, if you are with the work, and working only as nurses, if you are with her,...
This something, to nourish the baby, if the mother works outside the home,"
vonvon IBCLC & nurse JC, that you worked so heavily, to get the point, with which you now are. Which allergy does she/it have? If it then is something in the formula, no it accustomed is you better, if she/it is 6 months old, thereß it this resembling will be. If you are the manager as you find time können to pump, that that is, what maybe you do, must. the work is something of this we, that our family to brand money lowermostützten. So even, if we first place our family m with the worküssen. Maybe plus you believes, there, To need ß time out, to pump, will be to it, much, but this something, if you must give her/its/their formula again, and you finish with frequent telephone calls at the babysiter and frequent trips to the doctors with reflux and other illnesses. You the work you of how much abzuhängen, must pump only 3 times maybe, as with the work. Plus you können gets free system a hand and still pumps, as doing of paperwork, so that you will still make the work technical. First sit down. Don\'t work.
through missmara.... first from congratulations to it, to finally be capable for breast feed successful, I had many of the same questions as you and I white how hard it is. You are fähig, any significant quantity, to get pumps with him/it? If you können, you want to start to pump your milk maybe and to freeze. Worst case, that maybe you have to suppliment with formula, but this doesn\'t mean, thereß you together resigned silence everything has. You/they können breast feed calm if you are with her, and on your days from and suppliment, if she/it is with the babysitter. This way, that she/it still gets all the benefit of your milk.
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