Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When did you stop to nurse?

When did you stop to nurse?

My daughter is 14 months old, and I do any important disaccustoming. My first daughter was easy, too entwöhnen, but this girl, yikes, is she/it persistant and she/it knows what she/it wants. I am willing to be made nursing, but after two painful attempts, me, \'m hesistant. They along it to a BIG-Morgen Fütterung, with 5:30, and a small-middle bedtime feeding. My family, friends and even the doctor say es\'s-Zeit. when did you hold and how did you do it? Did it do sleeping more easily through the night? Es\'s, that amazes, as other children his/its können!

through punchy33...

Best answer chosen by Asker

I held with my son with 14 months. , Still with it now with my daughter, 7 months, I würde the morning feed stops. SieSie will be hungry first matter in the morning and will probably take everything. If not, it, that is won, \'t takes ouchßer a couple mornings, before she/it gives in. Anyways erwärmt in her/its/their sippy any breast milk, you make hollow. After over one week, or less, you warm up Kuh\'s milks in a sippy-Tasse. Entwöhnen you she/it gradually to the Kuh\'s-Milch. her/its/their nighttime will do this, that even more easily itself ernährt, to fall, and makes her/it/them reluctant maybe to wake you with 5:30am, Garrhh!!!! you begins maybe, it to sehen\'s because of habit and the security, that get her/it/them from you. You/they können even goes in there and read her/it/them a history or to her during they it, that drinks from her/its/their cup, and then, the milk stops altogether and lulls to sleep her/it/them only to sleep back. GL!!
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I decided that Thursday from for night her/its/their cut was, you time feedings and waking up throughout the night. Es\'s Monday and matters already look well!!! I cannot believe it. I cut down to an evening and a morning feed, today then, I Hafen\'t still and will wait until the bed. They it, that arrives fast there!!!!!
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This question about "When did, you stop br. " was asked on it originally! Answers Singapore

Other Answers (21)

from Knospen-B-Gee, 14 months! You/they müssen is worn out. My wife nursed our son 9 months long. She/it started to give him/it milk and juice in it one "Tommy Tippee" between his/its regular feedings. She/it made a großen deal from his/its drinking from one cup and there were many Gutszeitrecht according to him/it if they read also books. Then, she/it began me the doing of the property and the Lektüre, after he/it had used cup with night of his/its Tommy Tippee. He/it pulled simply allmählich the cup to care before. He/it couldn\'t approaches everything of me on night!!


through my_sunsh... I disaccustomed my daughter, as she/it was willing to disaccustom. I wäre finely with it been, if she/it was ready earlier, but they won wirklich\'t works as a nurse eternally, if you don\'t disaccustom her/it/them by force. You/they become entw for itselföhnen.

There is not absolutely anything wrong with continuing care, although everyone tells you, "it is time". dort\'s no reason für she/it, to say this.

Use your own judgment; If you are hesitant, then maybe, you are not so ready as you think it. My willingness was bound at theirs. After 16mo, I waited too entw for her/it/themöhnen.

I found that this dawn and pm-Fütterungen, to be such a small matter for me and a gigantic matter for her/it/them, is. She/it really also slept well with night. She/it is the most unabhängige soul, that I now know, maybe, because part of this early decision was YOU/THEY.

She/it nursed, until she/it was in 4.5yo, but until then, maybe it was only some times for bedtime per week. If I went her/it/them it wasn\'t-Heimat with bedtime without it and one day, that she/it only said, "OK, well, I am done.

through Jennifer 1 and 2 - 6 months, happened gradually
you still hold 3, almost 2, that still nurse, if shes ready
4 - 7 months, that still work as a nurse,

I cured my first child of Mommy to 2 cuties with 15 months! First hörte I with day care on. I timed, the night lasts because he/it still woke by every 3 hours in order to work as a nurse! I gave him/it a sippy-Tasse tide every time as he/it wanted to work as a nurse. It lasted over one week. The first night was he/it a little fall, but drank from the cup and closed asleep theück! Every night, it became easier! Before too long, he/it slept through the night.

I still nurse my 9 months old.

only one habit is from t Jefferson Extended, that nurses, if a habit is the meal and embracing. Really an Entwürdigen landed from children and her/its/their needs. Biologically developed children, in order to nurse many years long, and, to derive benefits of it many years long. It appears to me as absurd in order to slander ihn/es and schlägt it end before because es\'s a habit. What does this even mean? , Thereß the baby/toddler doesnprofitiert \'t? however, das\'s not true continues the health benefits. It doesn\'t mean any n dort\'sährender benefits? Not with all. Does this dismissive comment so, what even mean, is it a way merely to rationalize excerpt babies of her/its/their birthright away?

through cassandr... why does the doctor say it, is time? The world health organization says, you work as a nurse at least 2 years, Marie Montessori said at least 3 years to continue, the child the Nähe to give, that she/it, nurse, needs, La Leche League encourages to work as a nurse until the child, wishes to disaccustom, and reminds on it, if does as all other primates as nurses of worked people, wir\'d works as a nurse 4 - 7 years. Therefore, why does Ihr say doctor this? And why your family members and friends are, that für your daughter speaks?

I know lots and many mommies, that worked several children of bygoneed ages 4 as a nurse. These children are the lightest things, the Selbstbewu,ßtesten and the mildest and itself providing children around. Ishe/it saw increase "ve to teens of birth, a group I woulda thought before really strange 20 years, a group, that I now know, the most natural and advantageous mothering represents.

I don\'t know what it means, about working as a nurse as it, to be your baby\'s pacifier, to slander. PersI find pacifiers repulsively önlich and a substitute for goods, that mother.

If your infant/toddler sleeps with you, nighttime care is no anger at all, but another big communication, when mothering, the health checks tool. And you mwakes up hardly at all üssen!

from Miss Carmel, I stopped to nurse with 6 months, as he/it, that he/it still didn\'t want to nurse you in order to be, decided, I guess that I got it easily.

through...... I nursed my daughter, until she/it was 2 years. You/they entwöhnte itself quite. My persönliche opinion is to quiet until they are willing to hold. My daughter was to a morning, naptime and bedtime depresses, that itself ern by 18 monthsheads, then, she/it nursed with naptime only for the last 2 months. You/they are already to 2 Fütterungen per day depresses, so maybe your daughter will disaccustom herself soon. Glück!

from "La Chinita", I was in 16 as I had my first son, and I coul, in order to get out my mothers, doesn\'t wait you accommodate. I breast ernährte 6 months long my son. Remember, thereß I 16 was, and not settled partying. But I loved nursing. It fühlt itself so well, to let timed so much quality with your small cutie. As soon as he/it started, I was done.No the whole night to sleep, I didnt-Partei, während nursing. If I should make everything, which I give him/it one year, again w for him/itürde.

from Shannon T HONORED IF bites THEM THEM JUST HIM/IT, you hold to nurse THEM, OPINION is, that YOU/THEY hurt MOMMY, IF YOU/THEY still THEN want to get FEED, NO biting MOMMY is, I put IT AND no MORE on, BECAUSE YOU/THEY warn THEM 2 TIME, AND off no MORE THEN YOU/THEY OF THE BREAST, that feeds THE SINGLE TIME, that I would do, that IT is NAP TIME AND BED TIME, AND am THIS, 10 MINUTES puts IT AND NO THEN MORE, UNTIL THEN, SHE/IT goes to sleep, you it YOU/THEY on THIS ASAP to take a BATH goes AND ONLY relaxes, BECAUSE YOU/THEY need ONLY GLAD NEW YEAR IN THE TIME OF FOR THEM OK RECEPTION WORRY P, that THEY takes the trouble, MORE, to get VITAMINS FROM THEM, OUT

from Happyjoy... I began to disaccustom my son with 26 mths and disaccustomed him/it completely with 28 months. erer was with a bißchen sorrowfully first and wanted to work as a nurse to sleep, but he/it was used slowly for the bottel with night and the childcare, that I sent him/it in the morning, he/it saw other children drinking from the bottle happily or makes hollow, guesses so I, that does peer pressure and positive encouragement, also was help.It difficult for me. It became a habit to sleep with him/it. Now it it even started, with 32 mths 4 yrs on his/its own bed old with his older brother, to sleep. You/they both geniusßen everyone others now company. All best!

from Terry Z, my children were at least 10 pounds in birth quite big. Very fast, my supply could therefore not hold step with her/its/their demand. I asked the doctor and he/it said, thereß I sufficiently simply not for her/it/them could produce, as soon as they weigh approximately 12 pounds. You/they get comfort of quiet -similarly a pacifier, but troubles slowly about the baby to drink once per day of one bottle & nurses you once per day, you then use the bottle and a tippy-Tasse. I rocked my babies and to them a quantity after I wasn\'t doing, that nurses. It seemed to help, & she/it slept through the nite. Also, you ask your doctor if he/it thinks, wäre it helpfully, if you gave your baby rice grain. You/they könnte better in her/its/their for more sleeps.

from Caly Usually, the child decides when to stop to nurse, is. My first held with 6 months. That was a time to short. My last became with or in the N in threedone ähe from 15 months.

All my children slept one through the night of day. Yes, I was a glückliche mommy!!

from Persepho.... my daughter was they for resembling, and that is why she/it still nurses, only once per day however, my border, she/it would nurse more, if I left her/it/them, in the age of three. ICH\'m, that hopes, thereß she/it finally alone will disaccustom, but fears I, that forces the question of any point I, will have to. ICH\'d like she/it, that was done until at the moment, she/it is four, but everything is, für this I sure will say, completely that she/it becomes, doesn\'t work as a nurse, if it time for her/it/them to begin kindergarten, is.

She/it is a fantastic sleeper and is years-long. She/it started, through the night to theück, to sleep, as she/it still nursed upon request.

Longer as nurses to work, your daughter won\'t hurt, it actually is good for children. But it necessarily is not in this age or as important ot-Gesundheit as if she/it jünger is, disaccustoming also is okay so if that is that the best, what is you for feeling, for itself. Be only softly thereover.

a habit is through apbanpos sounds like it. You/they are more than a meal like a pacifier.

First fell the morning feeding. Füttern you her/it/them a meal, that really likes her/it/them.

Finally the bed times, one will also fall.

well, I thought of redsox-Fan with 6 months. I würde\'ve held earlier, but my son was hesitant to take one bottle. Obviously, your daughter has one cup or füllt from this she/it uses, so I would begin, in that nourishing holds against the mornings I, and it in one cup with milk replaces. Then make them/her/it f for resemblingür the night feeding. I weiß his/its way differently between 6mo, and 14 mo. but I remained only difficult. Es\'s, that goes, to be stricter with you, as she/it.

through monkey magic, my first daugter develops, that I, 21 months, nurse, I was pregnant and wanted to go back my breasts at least for one month, before I began everything again across, but my daughter already began to disaccustom itself/themselves. Therefore, I gave her/it/them one bottle with milk in it.
My second daughter, whom I nurse, develops 2 and 1/2 years approximately, with her she/it, that go, wasnt therefore having itself, not to feed her/it/them, troubles to hold, when leaving her during the night the didnt-Arbeit with my mommy. I mußte her/it/them says, that this boobie was broken, and there was not any more milk.
Nursing didnt-Wirkung that sleeps through the night as my two offspring smooths that is slept by it while he/it lives.
I dont still thinks Ihre ready daughters to hold, why dont that you give more time a little one you nourishes his/its single ones for itself in two. My children drank way more than this.

through Farrah-M, I disaccustomed my daughter full age with 2 years. I believed, thereß it would be, was more roughly than it. It lasted one day. That is, what I did, one little funny, but hello, it worked. I placed those small round adhesive tapes over my nipples and split my daughter this with "nurse is owie." And she/it didn\'t want to hurt me, so she/it nursed no more, after she/it had thought, they were owie. , In order to answer your other questions,... no it did the Ndon\'t outlaw more easily, they still wake up. I think, thereß 14 months too early, in order to disaccustom a child, is she/it the security, that gives nursing to a child, still needs. I wit waits ürde until the child is in 2. That is, ouchßer if you are completely willing to hold, for your sanity. Then müssen you first for you, in order to take care right of your baby, provides. If you it is confident, that you now must disaccustom, you trouble the circle adhesive tape matter. Maybe it works für you, as well as it did for me.. luck..

from Laurella... i held with 15 months, in that he/it gave her/it/them one bottle and she/it let herself cry into the sleep. It was help so difficult, but i had. if daddy can get on and they place in order to sleep every night so that they lived easy access to you you. heyße showers with the water varnishings on my become saturated breasts helped a quantity. It went sp 2 weeksäter approximately away, therefore you gotta endures it. Ohßerdem, after one year of feeding dort\'s no more nutrient. Is only für security concludes.

from Paula My, daughter nursed also until 14 months, she/it was bodies at full time parties, and I could not give any milk to her/its/their cow, because she/it was allergic, anyway I noticed that she/it wanted to nurse about nap time for comfort and the thought of it to disaccustom her/it/them my heart, therefore I started to tell her that she/it now was a big girl, and that the boo boo was not good telephone call more it as her/it and would pull strange faces, she/it started to get it, until wanted do her/it/them more. I ließ she/it never exclaims you for it, her/its/their doctor told me, that it hurt her/it/them on no manner, so that I didn\'t have to feel, committed to do it until she/it was about ready,good-Glück.

through tiredbut.... my baby was not yet born, therefore I never have broken myself of the habit of a baby, but I helped my sister-in-law through it with her/its/their daughter, who finally did with 14 months. Sufficiently peculiarly, we found, there, To give ß to her/it/them that yogurt, really helped drink! She/it drank those instead of the Fütterungen. She/it really loved the taste of them! The Nachtzeitfthe last was ütterung to give up for my sister-in-law. You/they mußte she/it a quantity lets cry. You/they würde brings in a sippy-Tasse, with the yogurt beverage, to her and sometimes rubs only her/it/them for her/it/them back, but never, she/it gets out from her/its/their manger or nurses. I believe some times, thereß she/it even beside the manger on the ground slept! I believe, thereß it sometimes difficult for her/it/them was, as for her/its/their baby girl! :) SchlieHowever, ßlich worked out it.

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