Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When do you stop to nurse?

When do you stop to nurse?

I am with it 14 weeks and 3 days with my first pregnant un not sure, as everything goes. I wit likes to nurse ürde if the baby was born, but now i\'m that hears that cannot sometimes nurse women. Well, I hope, thereß I to it capable is, and therefore I have some questions.

When you nurse, is that the single matter, that the baby eats? No formula? Only breast milk? How long, until you aufhören, to nurse? I place wanna auf\'t nurses 7 months long and you are this the single matter, that the baby ißt.

I hope that sense makes this lol.


from J.A.

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It is very rare, that a woman cannot nurse, some women chose only not to because the baby doesn\'t have any good handle, the fight by mastitis, and so on... I thinks, that I read only approximately somewhere so, 2 percent of women actually are incapable to nurse, normally because of the health reasons you HIV or any illness.

Yes, breast milks alone, suffices for baby until 6 mnths, if you can start to add solids. Most women produce enough, most times more than enough, her/its/their small one without with formula to ergänzen, to nurse. It is für germ best for it, to nurse one year long, or longer and then disaccustoms in order to intimidate milk after 1yrs old ones. If is everything 7 months, für this you itself wants to nourish, then this, \'s big.... some women don\'t go so long. But after 6 months, your baby should solid Körper together with breastmilk, or formula, has if you chose,
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Other Answers (14)

from Ethel Women, that can, didn\'t nurse, reception is women, who are HIV or hepatitis positively, strong meds that is not good for infants has you no breasts, you don\'t have any milk managements or scarred, from implants or breast reduction, or has an infant, who didn\'t learn, to immediately and often work as a nurse after delivery.

Yes you nursed exclusively for 6 months, and that is, the whole infant eats, you can do this until 12 months, and the infant can do well, normally teaches you in by 6 months of table meal or starter meal and continues to work at least as nurses until 12 months. You/they entwöhnen the infant if normally es\'s-Zeit, after 12 months (ideally).

through km&g, many people have questions, but most of the time if you stick with it, going to continue you can. There are very few women, who actually land, \'t does, you milk a quantity, is informed only incorrectly. Do your research! You/they have still much time.

Le Leche-Verband is a fantastic means for information about nursing. There are also many good Plcorrode for info, but firstly, congrats on your pregnancy hun.

Nursing is a personal election, and like long you does, it is depressed to you.

I personally, breast feeding had to mix with formula because I did milk sufficiently not to remain, my mega hungry son, who goes. You/they place auf\'t to mix breast and bottle recommends, but you gotta makes this something gotta you does, and I really wanted, thereß my son of breast milk profits, therefore I did both.

I finally stopped breast feeding, as he/it was 4 months old, and I must say that I missed it.

My friend nursed, because one year, absolutely no bottles, likes remove me, that am said, from the individual mother like long.

As the single matter eats your baby for the being, most babies, in order to eat some solids 6 months, begin, therefore your baby will handle more than milk of this time.


from proud mommy of 2, It is to you for it upward how long you want to breast feed. You/they say exclusivly that you nurse für the first 6 months.

If you want too bf exclusively, then yes, that is, the whole baby eats until you start her/it/them with solids.

If you want to suppliment with formula, also your election is, but protects before nipple confusion. But they sell bottle nipples, that a breast nipple resembles.

Also, if you choose to suppliment with formula, you can risk the lot of breastmilk, that you do.

from Jillian ~ * Cohen\'s mummy * ~ it is rare for a woman not to be capable to nurse. many people will tell you, thereß, but incorrectly some are informed about the way, that nurses working. some people say, because often her/its/their baby them didn aß, \'t has enough milk, that is disloyal. You/they können for as it nurses, you yearn as you and your baby wish. Solid Körper is, typically doesn\'t introduce until approximately 6 months, but her/its/their main food nevertheless is breastmilk old until over one year or with it. VieleViele women in the AMERICAN Don\'t nurses dafür, you yearn or even until this recommend minimum, that recommends the AAP one year until AT LEAST, but they eat other matters. you eat at least f immediately with Flaschenbabys-dont\'ür the first 4-6 months matters

from Zyggy Für, the first six months are all baby needs breastmilk, simply you, you would give formula for the first six months to an infant, you don\'t start to introduce solids until this time, and then you breast feed and feeds solid meal. So you place \'t aufwill to breast feed because that is the single matter, he/it hätte? But if you formula für this resembles six months this fed, \'s the single matter baby would have.. therefore gives it not much difference.

through * Riley+Trinity Mommy * I, to nurse and to pump at the same time, chose, so that my husband can help with our twins. You/they können formula for it does, as means daughters was born, one of them had Schwierigkeiten-Gewinngewicht, so that the doctor us formula in on from the pumped bottles had mixed. You/they können nurses, up to 2years i think, but at the moment, my girls are 5months and nurse, pump you and eat you baby food and rice and everything of this.


Mommy to 5month old twin girls Riley and trinity

through vegface Breastfeed exclusively until 6 months full age.
Introduce solid meal, you steam vegetables completely, after 6 months full age and places to nurse away.
Will continue to nurse, until child decides to disaccustom own on him/it, which old that could be is my minimum 2 years, the world average is 5 years, I think.

from Mitch & Katie\'s mom quiet I exclusively, no formula, I reckons with introductory solids by 7 months, but it is everything, which I feed my baby. You/they können also formula gives, if you want. Many mommies do both. It seems härter, but, to nurse much more easily es\'s to me. I ernährte my son until 1 yr and will have disaccustomed my daughter self.

by Ginny Breast-Fütterung, it is recommended by lives the first 12 months long. Maybe the lot of breast milk, that is lasted every day, decreases once, solid Körper becomes, normally by four to six months, introduced. natmaybe you hold against breast feeding ürlich anytime, you need and want to it.

This is a big place, that I found very much very helpfully, only through me:

through desertch.... you propose to nurse at least for one year. The baby normally becomes solid K by 6 monthsörper begins, but, to eat breast milk, will continue and or formula. Many women say her/it/them können you BF not", but in the reality, only one very small percent of the women doesn\'t can. Many only give you für small reasons on. It can first be very difficult..., but before you about resigning thinks, you strive help. Sometimes, it is only a small question, that can be remedied easily.

Take the trouble to take a class of BF and to read several books about it. It can be difficult the first month or two, but after a while, it is very easy and zweckmäßiger as formula. Some mommies füttern both breast milk as well as formula.., but you shouldn\'t gives one bottle, until the baby is weeks well fixed with the breast (between 4-6). You/they also place auf\'t wants to wait länger as, that to give one bottle (from pumped milk or formula), because then takes one bottle the baby, won\'t want. This is resembling true dafür, to give one bottle to early,.. it is easier for her/it/them to drink from one bottle with it if used sie\'wieder to it, they will nurse, doesn\'t want, as it is more difficult to get out the milk. Hope this brand sense!

AuchAuch, if you have your baby,.. has you at least a discussion or more in the hospital with a lactation advisor.. and if you still have any problems,.. brings you to group to a BF-Unterstützung asap! Es\'s better, the problems too leyelets, as they then are created in order to wait because that is, if most mommies give up, and goes to the bottle.

Altogether.. the benefits of BF is priceless. Not only, it eases binding with your child.. it is healthier, and cheaper to BF.

Luck and I hope that it works out for you!!


Mommy to a 4 mo old

through H An E Das more information, that you get, as you nursed, the more successfully you will be. Read some Bücher over it, or goes you to some meetings by a Le Leche-Verband or another be in the habit of support group. Speak with your doctor over lactation services in your area. Maybe you/they have a certified advisor with your hospital.

Nearly all women can produce milk physically, but not all mothers/babies immediately gets care or has a super easy time of it. The first few days, you, \'ll is from nicely sore, because the baby drinks without getting out much from it. Sie\'ll makes colostrum, that no exact Füllung is, but it is very important and such for her/its/their immune systems. After some days, your real milk enters, and it becomes easier. I wsays you should ürde 3 to 6 weeks, after you began, you have hang this from it, but you can in questions runs everyone into a while once before then.

And then, there are growth radiations, where your baby wants to drink the whole time at the breast, so that you think, you don\'t do any milk. You/they are, but your Kit is challenged örper to meet itself more. Some people will ask you to ergänzen, but this of all is supply and demand, therefore, if you give formula, your won body, t-Zunahme it, milk supply is, and you become the formula the whole time gives comes up. Only nurse through it and your Kthe speed will increase örper in a few days.

SieSie can quiet exclusively or you start to give meal in the age if other babies begin meal. Some women wählen, to disaccustom, as soon as her/its/their babies met a certain age, and others does until her/its/their children as a nurse, wants to hold you. My first child had problems because my doctor asked me to ergänzen, and we held by 1 months. My 2. worked ausschließlich as a nurse, until she/it was 9 months old. My 3. worked as nurses, w, on his/its small child yearsährend the meal of other meal (that I NEVER thought) that I would do, until I did it. It hängt really from you, the children and how much knowledge/support from, you get. And place auf\'t worries about problems. There is to address, questions, pain, deliver handle problems, what you make for m is of universe and so on,üssen, to ask the right people.

It is easy to be nervous about all this. Wonderfully, thereß you, to nurse your baby, considers. Glück.

from Pippin ridge, the worry of dont about this \'some\' women, who don\'t can. It is für a Mrs. SEHR rarely, to be really incapable, to nurse. The most this believes her/it/them können you not\', is not well educated approximate both or lack advice/support, and resigned so early.

On your questions is based it sounds like you, is not well educated over nursing, therefore I would urge you STRONGLY to do any research and a reading. There are many marked nursing Bücher on the market. This isn\'t something arrives, which of only \'Fl youconserves ügel\' after baby.

In order to answer your certain question, you nurse for as it, you yearn as YOU/THEY, you feel capable to do with it. The AAP recommends, für a minimum of one year, to work as a nurse, and \'so long after it as mother and baby wish.\', and, from a practical POV, if you entw one year agoöhnen, you must disaccustom to formula and bottles. After one year können you to a regular adult food goes.

Breastmilk wants for by 6 months, after which some solids are added, the single food of baby. If away you from your baby occassionally his/its müssen, or regularly, you go back to the work, you can pump milk for baby in order to eat if away of Sie\'wieder, or you can let the keeper offer any formula if pumping is not practicable.

But no, you normally don\'t have to give any formula, and, if it is possible to avoid it, that is the healthiest possibility.

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