Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Which age did you stop the nursing of your baby and how did they let you known that they were willing to hold?

Which age did you stop the nursing of your baby and how did they let you known that they were willing to hold?

Therefore has i two questions.
1, in which age you held nursing
2, how did your baby let you known that they were willing to stop to nurse?

I remain, asked if un going, to stop, to nurse, my son approaches 7 months, but still I or he/it neither are willing to hold. I thought old over one year after. Being surprised itself only, if you know your baby ließe, or if you only decided to hold,

through Hanna and Ryan\'s mom

Best answer chosen by Asker

Honestly I believed, that we will go a long time (until 2 years), because she/it never has had one bottle, and our nursing relationship was awesome, but for any reason about my daughters 1. Birthday, she/it only didnt still wants it. I würde me like I offers, would become normally direct before bed,naps and in the morning, and she/it either would become bit me, what she/it used, in order to do, as she/it (that ate) even snaps Oder wouldnt she/it on it, she/it would close their mouth closed like you, tried to feed her/it/them, squashed, pees or something! lol, that I this ungefähr 3 days long that thinks tried, that she/it was on some, "strike" and appeared, that she/it would return to me, well she/it never did..:, she/it now is 14 months, and took the trouble i to offer it to her/it/them to only see recently that what she/it would do, and she/it her/its/their head shook, no and went away, lol with it i guesses, she/it let me known huh! :), although was wiling i to go, until she/it was done. Un sad is over, but then again un more gladly i deemed itself sufficiently happily in order to find out ihn/es:)
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also the same bobbie-Beziehung has i with my son, he/it loves it! i believes, thereß i one year long will go,
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Other Answers (7)

through evil_kan..., when holding is, something, which only you and your baby will know, really is. Now, if your child be chances sufficiently old in order to ask therefore, he/she is too old.

A friend of me held as her/its/their son was one year old. He/it already was fähig, to drink from one cup, and it actually went over healthy. You/they only on and held one day, he/it didn\'t has all problems. After one week bemühte she/it itself to breast, you feed him/it, and he/it wasn\'t even interested. I weiß that however not all babies as it is. As soon as you decide, but, to hold, is the trick to be remained only with it, and remains with your descion. If you are in doubts, you speak with your pediatrician. You/they können you any good advice gives, and can say you, whether your baby will need special nutrition, if you hold.

through mom t! my daughter was 6 months old. i fühlt not, that she/it was, ready, to hold, but she/it cut teeth, and it became want disaccustom painful, and i for me she/it, while she/it still was enough young to it, again, you adapt yourself to some new one. i served full time, and it became very difficult, itself on my 12 hours , To employ alterations with engorgement! a small one pumped i after it, thereß, but she/it transitioned VERY healthy at formula/solids, so that felt i that more solidly 6 months, more exclusively breastmilk was, simply fine and much more, as many babies gets.

honest, to be, believes dont i "that a baby will "ever is ready", that to give up as there, is 3 years old that is still nursed. every time if you are ready, and you are alternative F comfortable giving your babyütterung (formula, erg,). milk (and so on) entwöhnt him/it then simply you, you would become from a binky or still something. Glück, congrats on nursing in such a way long! good work!

through courage, 1 wanted to hold I with 18 months, but was told, that I could not nurse successfully at all,... I lived 3 months long and supplemented. To this Doctors, lactation advisors and more that instructed me, to give up 3 on the day? I stick out my tongue with them everything! NYAH!
2, after 3 months, she/it would not snap on it, would cry and would scream, and there was not any ability for me to bring her/it/them to snap. Therefore, I gave it für our sanity on. I wanted the binding time, and I could have this the relaxes with the bottle and you, I couldn\'t with her/its/their Kämpfen with me.

Nurse until you are willing to hold. If no one of you is ready, you forget what tells everyone. Stick out your tongue with them and say NYAH! Es\'s well für the baby, who was nursed at least one year, and even beyond granting to studies. I wanted to go to 18 months, I know many Mütter that goes to 2 years. Stick to your pistols and vergißt each other the say, that you should hold soon.

I thought of MelG 1 with 7 months. My daughter held with 4.5 yrs.
she/it told me in 2, she/it didn\'t want any more booboo." She/it had herself für a real while down disaccustoms, became sick and only had rejected to work as a nurse. I presented myself, after she/it had recovered, and she/it only was... takes care of. She/it nursed twice after it, 2 wks and 4 wks später, but she/it was finally willing to be done.

There are many benefits too bfing on one year:

from Ladybird, my eldest gave up approximately 6 , with 3 yrs 4 months old, and it was difficult to bring her/it/them to hold. I entwöhnte she/it over one year of time across slowly, she/it never wanted to hold, she/it would have gone, a quantity didn\'t let me disaccustom her/it/them gently longer, as I did, I tandem worked my girls virtually one year long as a nurse. My jüngstes still goes strongly with 18 months. 2 years is my minimum and I am okay after it, if she/it wählen, to be done, is big beyond it if both mother as well as Kinderwunsch. I have myself a Gefühl\'m that goes, to work my small one as a nurse at least for one other year. :)

from annoyed Lactivist, my daughter still works as a nurse; she/it turned in October 2. :) You/they has nursing Hrestricted slowly äufigkeit, but I kann\'t sees her/it/them still consider a while. Es\'s on to her, that held, if she/it wants,; I won\'t force it.
We are both very glad, and she/it is extremely healthy! I love the stop of her and the prestige of her my Brüste and my speech to them pats! LOL

through k_m_m_r_... with 18 mounths
he/it started to eat "big child meal and needed me no more:}


Mommy of 4 boys

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