Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Whats the best way, to stop, to nurse?

Whats the best way, to stop, to nurse?

I want to stop to nurse, and I need advice/tips as doing is, with it.
My son rejects one bottle in it with formula. So thereß won \'t-Arbeit hatdie and all types of nipples/bottles tried I.

Whats the bes-Weg?

Additional details

Part me brand in such a way from CLEAR! ICH\'m, that asks for advice/tips, like aufzuhören, to nurse, is. Therefore, if you land, \'t has, thereß then doesn\'t answer. I become manner you dafür reports not to stick to my question, different! ICH\'m, that doesn\'t go, my reason für the, to nurse, must stop to explain, and I t from shouldn has to it! Therefore für those, that think, that they are so high and huge, and they want to nurse for years, healthy thats not I! You/they are the type of women, who induce other women, not wanting at all nurses, becaue you condem those the lack, in order to hold in a certain age.


through uggggggg...

Best answer chosen by voters

The best way? the child entwöhnen leaves, if is s/he ready. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (2)

vonvon Ellen The is best way to be stopped to be nursed, 1 feedings, to interject every 5-6 days, and replaces it with some other (in one bottle). Drop the Lieblingsfütterung, normally first matter of the morning or the one the baby, to sleep with it, goes, last. If the baby gewexactly formula takes önne, \'t, and you want to pump long concept, starts to pump, and 75 percent breastmilk and 25 percent of formula doesn\'t give. Allmyou give in ählich to more formula to it, over a time period of days or even weeks, until you give straight formula.

If you interject the second feeding, you don\'t make the one simple previously, or only after the one, you already fell. If you make this slow, your K should itselförper and you shouldn einstellen\'t has serious questions, if you nurse no more.

Maybe her/its/their son finds more easily to take one bottle differently from somebody as you. Maybe you/they want this over the weekend for the first time, it tries if there is somebody, that is other for it to worry available and feeds your baby.

Be successful with your baby.


IBCLC and the group leader of mother 20+ years

from Laura, my daughter hated formula to that, what made i, first weened is she/it from the breast, in order to then, with breast milk, fill, as she/it was, started i weened to give her/its/their whole milk, and she/it didn\'t have any problem with it

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