Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When you stopped to nurse, like long it for the milk, to dry up, took?

When you stopped to nurse, like long it for the milk, to dry up, took?

Did cut make you gradually down, live or hold only altogether?

through Zoe g

Best answer chosen by Asker

it lasts some days, but it can differ, i cuts gradually down.
u dont gets the inflammation or hurts the u only after birth would get, if u feed fills.
they feel that they will burst for one day or two tho!!
but it is tried dont to express, the Körper-reconises-u lives no more and holds, that do milk.
hope that this helps.


2 small one fed boogers
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This question about "When, that you stopped bre. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (10)

from Jillian ~ * Cohen\'s mummy * ~ i havent still disaccustoms, but my sister held gradually and she/it still gets let-down if my niece cries with 17 months later! it hängt really ont from eh woman i guesses

for kdee, you make it gradual, you cut down every 5/6 days or such a feed, more, if you can. Hold altogether, and you will be in pain. Each person differs itself, k,önnen according to only you what works for you tells.

from Vicky P i gradually along cut lives... not only holds you, except if makes doc rules u-Medikament in order to take... u can get an inflamation, if only holds u,

from Everona9... I also stopped with night in order to only nurse during the day and couple of months later.. with it, it lasted 2 months for me

through anchan, I reduced the number of it, lives in the course of a number of weeks, and with the time, I delivered the last, along which I never left again!

through gemx24, as it, the straight one was confirmed, i stopped which suspected i..... it gave none turning milk. held against cold turkey i one day and never saw a drop again: (

it believes i in general that the advice is being made gradual, although as his/its supply and demand

through ~ Kitana ~ I cuts gradually down, you believe that it took approximately 2months of those as I lived only with night. But with my first giving birth, I had named Galactorrhea, where still I milk für 6years, a condition, had after I had held!!

through #2 due Nov 18.!! makes you it gradual, so that your milk supply becomes always less every time. When you it vollständig lived stops, you are so painful cause, that you won, \'t as much milk, that enters, has. I hörte first on, to nourish me during the day. then held with night and gave him/it one bottle instead. It lasted like maybe 2 weeks. i didnt wants to tow it out. But the milk takes a small while, about vollst,ändig, to go away, and smooths, if it, if you press sufficiently heavily, goes away, you will still discard some leaves, you come milk out, but not.

through Steph unfortuetly i held breastfeedin, as daughter thinks only one week old was. shes now können 19 months and i still any milk from my thorax lol gets out. only a drop or two tho lol

through answerme... I only held. Dort\'s a Hormonschuß, that you from yours whether can get that will stop lactation. I didn\'t gets it, as my husband and I is very careful with matters like it. It sounds dreadful and raw, but this is what I did,: I got a hand towel, it folded over my breasts, and wrapped up it unduly really densely with an Asverband, the type, that sticks to itself,). It did für this first couple days really badly sore, and I would go as it, you yearn as me, can, then unwrap you and pump you. It lasted only one week, until I working only of Blöcken as a nurse could use. It was dry one week after it. Occasionally, I still get a small hole, 5 months später, but I one m pregnant again...

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