Tuesday, 19 July 2011

When did you stop to nurse?

When did you stop to nurse?

How did you do it? Did, you ever mix, bottles of formula/boobs?I still nurse my 7weeks aged baby and will find really heavily ich\'m, however, to hold, that to the work to theückkommt, and won\'t be capable, that I still want to express there to it. But, despite the say ich\'d never nurses a 6months aged baby, I now am tried, nursing, to carry evenings and weekends from him/it,...
My partner doesn\'t understand why I altered my opinion,...

Additional details

I don\'t want 2 express @ work, as I began my new work 2 1/2 weeks before the beginning of my motherhood permission, you therefore feel like bad, they employed me i without shrewd, was pregnant me itself with it according to 4 time&space 2 express doesn\'t ask can have introduced... plus I works together mainly with men you.


through crispy mom

Best answer chosen by Asker

You/they can absolutely continue to nurse after you returned to the work even if you don\'t choose to pump.

If you nurse in the evenings and on weekends lots, your breasts will adapt themselves to this schedule nourishing itself, and produces more milk for those times, and in more concentrated quantities, so that your baby doesn\'t miss the nutrients and the antibodies.

Please reads the connection, that I posted for more information below.


Asker \'s Comment:
thank you. Web site was already on this, and it is good. Save to! ! RSS

This question about "When did, you stop br. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (20)

through renaelov.... my eldest nursed I only after its 2. Birthday until if he/it selfweaned, während I pg with #2 was.

My daughter is 5 months old and strongly going still, plans you also disaccustom I, as it allowed her/it/them to self.

through awesome Rockin-Mama, it, part-time, is my son, 5 months and i still does. i mußte to work part-time return so that he/it went on formula.

it only plans i as he/it did it for maybe another month or 2, because lived surgical intervention he/it and i will have, you are capable, him/it inthe-Krankenhaus, to feed.

begin droping bf sessions one at a time. it becomes youll likely ouchßer Ihrem bodies a small one become saturated, will adjust. my first day at the work i leaked, you verrückt, but now must carry i even breastpads dont.

through Liz, I nursed until after the age of one, but my best friend disaccustomed with six weeks. She/it mixed formula with breast milk the first few weeks in order to let used him/it for the taste.

through Noah\'s mommy, I nourished breast for itself until almost one year. I started, Noah, to give whole milk with 11 months. Glan easy transition deemed itself ücklich for me.

from Jkjio L, the day went i, the hospital.Those-Krankenschwestern didn\'t help me to nurse with all.Meanwhile, claims her/its/their so named "politics", that the nurses will help, would snap of my children you.Neither on it and was ready i quite open, that to have a breakdown.Breastfeeding, is not for everyone, that i guesses,

from Farha Madhi, that most people normally say, you nurse the baby, until the baby itself "so finally stops, as soon as tries u to remove the baby the breast, they are forgotten themselves him/it!

through lalalala.... you knew that it is a law, that must provide your place of the employment with a sanitary place you, in most states in order to pump. You/they können, also a hospital degree pump of many other places tore. Verständigen you only a local lactation group. If then you you, that are won, während the day quickly could milk, \'t dries up and will still be capable, your baby to quiet if your with him/it and not working. This way, that you won, \'t muß it so soon resigns.

from Elizabeth * I held, as my son was 10 months old. He/it quite began to lose interest so that I, this w, appearedäre a nice and easy time, to disaccustom him/it.
As I disaccustomed him/it, I exchanged only one bottle for a care. After one week or so I only had it so that I nursed him/it before the bed.
I think, this would be big for you to continue to work as a nurse in the evenings. It is für your baby and a big time, to bind, so healthy. You/they könnten a hard time, to work during the day on the weekend as a nurse, however, has, as your body won, is used \'t for feeding during the day so that the milk supply will probably not be there.
As not sympathetically for your partner.. I believes that nursing only a from those matters, that cannot be understood completely, is until you find it out.

through greenfin..., as babies think to bite began, and it hurt lol!
Both of them must have by 9/10 months. IchIch had riseört, to feed in the day by approximately 8 months, but kept the night feed of going, because it was a special time for both of us. I believe, thereß it your baby, to feel, helps, loved and assured. Ever länger you breast feed the better it is for your baby. It helps to build her/its/their immune system.
Maybe you/they find that your baby will begin to reject the breast after being on one bottle. You/they füttern on another manner of one bottle. You/they become aufhören, to produce much milk also, lives so any, will be more for comfort as still something.

from MitTrav, It is a sanitary napkin between mother and child... with it is likely, why you altered your opinion! :) Pumping of wasn at the work for mir\'t of this badly... lasted 20-25 minutes it and was f a nice depressed timeür me, while I ate lunches. If you land, \'t wants to pump, you will be full with the work and uncomfortably to times, until itself your Körper at the alterations adjusts. I gegenwärtig breast feed my 11 month old son in the mornings only... he/it quite disaccustomed itself. I presented myself, but he/it didn\'t wants it. Glück in your decision! and congrats on your newborn... has you Spaß!

from Eoin Everything When i Erica Roe saw speed. I thought dort\'s improved from there as this, from which I me ernhead.

durchdurch gooftroo... i understands me, that two months long and with mine work is nursed, there, from where you come with my daughter, completely, i didn\'t choose i to need the time to express... now with my son would nurse 5 months long I, would be i longer, but gone unfortunately, he/it is a very more hungrily boy lol... i fed him/it in the morning before the work and then in the evening after the work and he/it had me only on weekends, gave bottles him/it i for the afternoon... it went a quantity, had he/it chose more smoothly than I fear, that it would become, in long run to go to formula because he/it ate so very much,



from Mandy Check the laws of your state, maybe you are capable to pump with the work. Some give an\'s reguire-Arbeitspl evencorrode in order to provide you with a comfortable room in order to make ihn/es for it.
DasDas, much mommy FF, said while they and BF went in the evenings/weekends/vacations.

from very with pride mummy:, my daughter still nurses i, and she/it will be 1 on the 12Th
from April and i will continue disaccustomed to live her/it/them until her/it/them
formula used i once only and that was, as Jenny was approximately 2 days old, as milk doesn\'t yet think was there, but as soon as it never requires in i to use it again was,

through! FaM CoMpLeTe! Held well i with ungefähr 9 months with my son. IchIch was not comfortable at the beginning with the idea in nursing, but after the fight, i got thereover and enjoyed the moments. AberAber what made i, is, thereß him/it i formula from the beginning on would give. I wasn\'t to more comfortably poping from my boob in Public, so that, as i went out, i formula would do. But most of the time, i was at home, therefore it was breast strictly. I ahToo much time needed ßte of pumping and it, so that, as had to leave him/it i for a while, i only the formula would leave. And in time, he/it was used for both. And you könnten also the difference, with breast feeding, sees hold he/it if hes-Vollständigkeit. And with bottle aß he/it only too much, that he/it would spit alot up. Then as itself i decided, it was to theück, to work, i started to more frequently give him/it the bottle with him/it at home. But still strictly with night. Then vergaß he/it only the boob! Only, you put you wear that disposable Blöcke for you sure, because you become leaky. LANSINOH WEGWERFBARE NURSING BLÖCKE were the best things! I große time recommends those to you. You/they are easy and last a long time and discreetly, if ever you itself in Public must change. Bottle wisely, if you they Alteration begins, you take the trouble, that to get one, that a big nipple has, like which avent one. But other than, thereß, you should go do it well! Glück!


Nursed 9 months long!

from Nessa, I nursed my daughter for 22 mos. You/they selbst-entwöhnt, as I was 8 mos with my son pregnant. I didn\'t wants, thereß she/it disaccustoms, I wanted to Tandemkrankenschwester, but my supply filled up.

My son now is 16 mos old; no idea if we will hold but I plan to work him/it as a nurse for at least 24 mos.

Could I ask why you don\'t want to pump with the work? Some states have laws, that employer provides a lactating-Mama with the course of time, müssen, and, to pump place.

These connections could help:
I didn\'t can my first because of the handle BF on problems, but my second was an of course born sucker. He/it was ausschließlich breast, that was fed. With my third I mußte pump and garbage dumps, that begin because of the antibiotics on the day in six, I was switched on. Therefore I never had enough milk, chimney allergies, that made him/it miserable, had plus him/it and I couldn\'t calculates this, to which he/it was allergic, solid K until him/itörper began. Therefore I rather fütterte him/it bottle and supplemented with care. From that, what I understand, many working mommies make this of Sie\'wieder for something the respect. The baby gets während the day of a caretaker one bottle, but nurses if of Mommy\'s about. Es\'s better für the baby as I completely disaccustoms, therefore I say going for it.

from JORJA, I mixed breast feeding with night, you time bottles during the day, i was unhappy, you really don\'t have provide you for itself much breast milk after a while, so that had to move i for itself to bottles, if you want to mix turned feeds,my from fine in two!!!!!!!!!!!!! !1

through??? ítt..???. Es\'s really a personal decision on, how you choose long to work as a nurse.
You/they can still nurse the baby. I place auf\'t sees, why you don\'t pump k with the workönnen. It is completely legal, and is demanded from them to give you a clean private area to pump. This really is the single way to uphold your supply, if you können, \'t is nursing. There are benefits of outstretched nursing, therefore s,ähe I in it.
The best from luck!!

Pumping and fills feeding:

from MartayP

Because of his/its low class hid answer

i doesn\'t know, i cannot remember!!

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