Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Which age did you stop the nursing of your children?

Which age did you stop the nursing of your children?

My most recent be so ready 18 months and I that becoming done simply is not he/it, however., how do I get him/it freely, you stuff this boob? Will it do a quantity sore if I go cold turkey?

Additional details

He/it still works as a nurse 3x per day. Naptime, bedtime, and against 4 in the morning ich\'ve, to tell him/it only, tried "no" becomes he/it so annoyed and only throws an attack, until I give him/it the boob. Help!!


through whom am I?

Best answer chosen by Asker

The way, that you formulated, your question means that you are gotten many answers breastfeeders from outstretched here. ICH\'m only Sayin\'s.... cause I certainly is not if there,ß really was your question or not.

If your question is, as disaccustoming is, if baby then is not you ready, that you must take the lead. Es\'s OK, in order not to follow, thereß baby of disaccustoming led, and he/it won\'t suffer any serious mental burden from it. With 18 months, he/it is ready, him/it you, to therefore clearly understand in directions of brand, to him/it, thereß he/it only with mornings and night as a nurse will work. If he/it während the day asks, the answer will be no and his/its fits of rage will be ignored. How of m any other fit of rageüssen you through it consistently follows if es\'s that goes, to be effective. Replace this time with it in one, you cuddle itself or particular game or read you a book if das\'s what seems he/it to need.

After he/it then was used for 2x cultivations, you exclude one more in the same way... and finally the last. I wouldn\'t is surprise, if the last is the easiest, because he/it, that he/it is not, will already recognize by this point times loosing that his/its mommy hugs only, because he/it is not nursing.

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Thanks, big info!
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Other Answers (5)

through daa, Kalte-Truthahn-Dose is very strict with a child, who is not ready, to disaccustom. Für you would be it uncomfortably at best, and you could finish with mastitis. If of Sie\'wieder too entwöhnen, it would be the best to make it gradual, ready. Dort\'s good information here -

from Lorelai, Orlando\'s mummy It is our son\'s first birthday on the 24. from June, and I won\'t bring him/it to the stop, until he/it ready and rush to which he/it wants is. Yes, occasionally es\'s a pain, and yes, sometimes, it hurts, but it is für both of us, particularly him/it, so important. It helps so very much in binding, routine and development. I gewann\'t hält, until he/it asks to it.

Rory x

through hello mom, who still does my 2-year old one as a nurse. I do periods from the wants to be done through, but I ride it out, and it gets better. ICH\'ve found this effective mine no only overturns you more him/it, he/it würde still with 3am wakes up, and I took the trouble to tell him/it no and then, he/it only would wake up with 1 and 2 and 5 and 6 to guarantee, I was there. therefore, I rode only this part of it out. it gets better.

if you want, you check "this no scream out, solution for toddlers sleeps." I never was into the sleep, you help books, but she/it has much good advice to it to disaccustom toddlers, at least in the night. another matter, you have somebody else, who him/it on sleep to theückführen can? my husband he/it took on doesn\'t night duties must be done to sleep as a nurse with it. we still nurse doesn f before the bed however ihm\'tällt asleep doing with it. it was a long Prozeß with my husband, who must take him/it, and weighs him/it months long and months and then slowly only, you place him/it into the bed, as he/it was half awake, but he/it can now pass himself only to the bed and cannot do any fuss at all, therefore dort\'s another possibility...

through tigers Lily Meine 2 1/2 yr old still works as a nurse. Although been only 17 mos-Pflege with her technically es\'s, because I only nursed her/it/them, because her/its/their jüngeren siblings were born, could not nurse, as she/it was born because of a med, I let myself convince a doctor stupidly, I must be switched on.
Triandem-Pflege now. 17month old twins and 2.5YO.
I plan as it let my children worked as a nurse until they hold of course. IchIch thinks my 2 1/2 yr old, approaches in the end, she/it nurses only once or twice per day. Sometimes not with all.

Be no weaner! He/it weiß, what his/its body needs and asks therefore. You/they könnenbeneidet him/it \'t that, do you can? It it, that still works as a nurse, because still works mu as a nurse he/itß.

through sara 3 yr, 17 mo and 11 mo. It seems, thereß he/it it only for comfort needs to get to sleep. Imo I würde him/it of his/its nap disaccustoms, you first time one. My three years old was similarly, as I she/it, that the twirl of her/its/their fingers will yell by me in my hair, for her disaccustomed, she/it did that a quantity, while nourishing. Took ungefähr three nights. Really, it becomes k for all, which you do,önnen, he/it the attack had thrown.

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