Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The effort, to stop, to nurse, any tops?

The effort, to stop, to nurse, any tops?

I expected too bf only until approximately 6 months, but my baby would not take any bottle, so that had to continue i. She/it started in order to take one bottle 8 months but tränt only, otherwise nothing, no formula or the juice. she/it drinks also from a sippy-Tasse, but again only water. Now, she/it is 1 and I from the Drehen\'ve bem one weekühte itself, you young gulp of regular milk, to give, but she/it doesn\'t like it either. I nurse ungefähr 1-2 times per day and with night, in order to place her/it/them to sleep.
do you have tops on it, like i can stop to nurse?
what can make i, so that she/it will drink, does patron milk?

through dragonra...

Best answer chosen by voters

trouble to change itself, into the milk, the taste, in a sippycup, only enough to place a little bit of chocolate syrup. see as this works,


my children love it, and her/its/their bones are, gona is so strong: P 100 percent 1 election save to! ! RSS

Other Answers (2)

through homeedka... uses you the almanac of a farmer, in order to choose the date, that you want to ween. You/they give data, that the best things für weening is, I used dental work and so on twenty years long it and believe me, it works! I ließ me of it tells an older woman. And in our city behält our vocal surgical intervention center one for beginning, because so many patients ask.

Again: Milk. Bemühen you soy or Ziege\'s-Milch. the taste is homogenized less than Ergmilch.

through sissynec... she/it eats cheese, yogurt or other dairy products, that she/it can still get her/its/their calcium from it? I wouldn\'t emphasizes too much, after she/it is one, only bemühen you every few weeks, to see the milk, if she/it altered her/its/their opinion. Bemühen you one simple milk popper or something of the brands, that she/it was interested in it. Während you nurses, troubles to feed you to itself, the routine, her/it/them to sleep, then you, that is won, to brechen\'t, too much must worry about the milk. Will she/it drink weak formula into a sippy-Tasse? If you the bottle phase this can jump, \'s big! My children were fortified at her/its/their bottles, it was difficult to bring her/it/them to give her/it/them up.
Only nourishing 1 - 2 times per day for itself be be your milk supply too heavily too much in order to hold, you could probably stop only the night feed, then after one week or so you fells the last feed.

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