The termination, to nurse help?
My son is 5 months, and he/it still eats every hour. I become Flaschenfütterung accustomed reception it of me with breast however him/it mixes. Es\'s not the nipple, because he/it für daddy will drink. I, that go, think aufzuh mich\'mören, to nurse everything together, because daddy works alot. Any sugestions on, as it is less painful to do,Additional details
He/it is on baby grains and veg. began last week, and I place auf\'t believes at letting cry a baby because there hungrily in this age. If this then is a growth spirt, it lasted since the day, that he/it will carry.5
through mom_of_4
Best answer chosen by voters
I would not stop to nurse with 5 months old. Bemühen you itself, to feed him/it more meal of a spoon, to hinder about him/it, to work, so very much as nurses. But place h auf\'tält everything together at! 38 percent 22 voices saves to it! ! RSSOther Answers (11)
through fungirl if he/it eats every hour, maybe he/it goes through a growth ray, or maybe you produce milk for him/it sufficiently not. Make this of Gef for something youühl is right and reminds, that you gave him/it a deep 5 month opening. I 6 months long gefütterte breast then went to enfamil lipil with iron for my son. Glück. 16 percent 9 voices
through t64btlfa... cold turkey, who stops to nurse, is very painful. bemühen you itself, to express breast milk in one bottle, sees, if this works. if not only cut, his/its Fütterungen defeats more every day, you develop more and more less, he/it recognizes that he/it is not gotten to nurse every hour, and if he/it really wants to have milk, that he/it will bring him/it from the bottle. If he/it is on baby food, you give him/it, thereß a small one with a time or a grain. calculate whether he/it is really hungry or wants to calm down only itself,
my daughter rejected also the bottle of me. für she/it worked actual meal feeds, but she/it had also a pacifier, or she/it would become wahrscheinlich\'ve been 4 voices attatched every hour 7 percent to methrough kristin7..., if your baby eats every hour,... only milk... with five months old begins you to place baby grains in his/its bottle for him/it, won\'t digest so fast, as the simple milk does and will hold him/it longer contentedly. As far as he/it, that doesn\'t take the bottle from you,... this is, because he/it associates you with his/its source of the comfort, and he/it loves the Nähe during breast, nourishing, that is, why he/it will remove daddy the bottle, and not you. Don\'t hält feeding of him/it everything immediately breast at, or it will make him/it for rejected feeling from you... places you only away to offer the bottle to him/it. And bemühen you this... if he/it will assume, the bottle of daddy daddy brings to giving him/it the bottle and while he/it then lives, you let daddy pass him/it to you with the bottle across, you continue to do this until he/it is the use as it to be thought of THEM with the bottle. 7 percent 4 voices
from the invisible woman, you must decrease the breastfedding and simply must increase the bottle feeding every day, has start you and half with the breast him/it and then gives him/it the bottle. And take nursing like day one from Hälfte and half every feeding from, half and half feedings and two eatings only fill the next day.
Until no feedings with the breast are there. If you get this matter, you buy your self, any cabbage takes the leaf and put her/it/them on your breast. You/they helps make to engorgement from the not Ernheads with the swelling.
I will always say that the breast is the best, but if you feel real, that you can do it no more, and not only resigns, then, this is the best way. 2 percent 1 voices
through overlord Maximillian, why do you let him/it eat every hour??
You/they need a schedule. If your answer to every time if he/it cries, meal is to then be been in his/its mouth, you will have a real fat child.
Make him/it to eating every 3-ish hours and for longer. If he/it i every hourßt, he/it could only eat, and that is no good habit to be gotten in it. 2 percent 1 voices
by 1, Hott mommy cures him/it slowly of the breast and then replaces one bottle per day for some days, then two, in three, bottles are until all his/its feeding. i recommends, the Abendfütterungen-cuz this first too ersetzen\'s, if your milk supply is the lowest. also he/it should get four 8 ounces of bottles only them/her/it the most per day, or he/it is gotten fat. he/it should not work as a nurse every hour either. there are other ways to bring him/it to hold, that cries differently, as the Füttern from him/it. ask your doctor for some respects. 3 percent 2 voices
through theloned.... they didn\'t mention that he/it eats any baby food??? if he/it is not, is there your problem right there. Babies should begin, because they have against 4 months from speech to yur-Kinderarzt meal, and this sees something recomends he/it. My babies always began meal with rice grain with 4 months. then with 5 months with tanner against 6 months of 2. Meal followed first meal. , But i\'m only one mommy of 4 children asks Ihren Dr., I wouldn\'t hält altogether, maybe BF disaccustoms a little bit of him/it so that he/it works as a nurse only to bed time if that is what you want to make real. Glück with it. <> < ANNA> <>
through lpickens.... you must do what is the best for everything of you. Start him/it with the bottle and get smaller BH\'s, as you carries, and it places pressure, you don\'t hurt. Es\'s pulls up the milk. You/they müssen it however constantly carries. It lasts ungefähr 2-3 weeks.
from mrs.izab.... Let, that I first say taht, him/it you on nursing over custody should think. Nursing is für your baby best.
This said, your baby be this cleverly why he/it doesn\'t take the bottle if you give it to him/it. He/it can smell his/its mommy and can want the real matter. This is normal. Sie\'ll muß his/its daddy his/its bottle has given, until he/it is used for it. Another matter, that you try, können, \'bundle\' is to it on. I weiß es\'s, of the warmers does, but this less to you exposed skin has, then this will be baby fewer capable to smell your milk. 7 percent 4 voices
through proudmom, there are some teas at your local health chimney store, that can increase you, you milk supply, and they work, you take the trouble which you conserve, in order to continue, is a true creditor of care and me i, did only my single son as a nurse, but he/it is 2 years old and never become sick, no ear infections, no sore throats of no not handing over, healthy. i worked til that he/it was one as a nurse.
my sonthrough extra sammy always was hungry my two (both boys). Start, him/it still too entwöhnen? As mine were babies, it was 16 weeks before you should start, too entwöhnen, but I, I had to \'m anxiously a small one with both from them, the first with 15 weeks and the second with 14 weeks deceives. However, you/they needed solid Körper. I started her/it/them with a small baby rice, mixed with milk and then went on pürierte fruit and veg. At the same time, I interjected the lunchtime feed and gave abgekühlt, water boiled as a liquid. Then können builds you the solids gradually and fells this nurses, so that your breasts will dry up gradually, and it is not painful. If you plötzlich holds, they will become saturated themselves with milk, and maybe you finish mastitis as well. I hörte on, to nourish me with my first with 91/2 months and my second with 15 months altogether. The last feed, that I interjected, was the nighttime feed. Hope, thereß this helps. 2 percent 1 voices
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