Tuesday, 19 July 2011

, To nurse the termination! with 19 months!?

, To nurse the termination! with 19 months!?

Please every advice could give me, my son, who is 19 monhts, becomes to get with night to sleep, nursed and in the night, if he/it wakes up, and in the morning! He/it teethes gegenwärtig, so that I will wait, until he/it feels healthy. But I muß stop to nurse for 2 reasons, firstly, I must have mammogram to check, I don\'t have any Brustkerbs, as sister with Brustkerbs thinks was diagnosed, aged yr last in 39yrs, I was told orignally to softness at breast feeding and make this last oct, but after I had done my own research and advice about my Dr. and my sister advisor listened, I now postponed the mammogram til.
I also feel that I really need for relaxed weight so that I feel that the excuse of the quiet doesn\'t let help I! Let please known me, as you your baby entwöhnten! ErEr has bottles in the day!

Additional details

He/it wakes up mainly if he/it is unwell, how a cold or the toothing! Not really through hunger, but natthe easiest matter is ürlich to breast, you feed him/it putting down! Then, he/it closes only to sleep theück! I also have it so long doen as our previuos, you bring, until to 8 weeks ago, under, had 3 Flüge the stairway! according to the stairway going then down one bottle wbeen äre dreadful! , 70 steps there and to theück,
But I am not to merged, if he/it in the night, that he/it my 4. is, a Getränk needs, knows he/it is I, that it goes on eternally not, the onl-Kind, I was capable to nurse from my others because of 2 because it is early(one 7 weeks, that are had also a gap taste, my 2. Child was because of gulit, the past not fähig is to be nursed my first child, no breasfed! So maybe, as this is my last child I, \'m, that too long the being a baby to him/it festhält!


from Betsy

Best answer chosen by voters

I still nurse my 12 months old myself jargon with it, advice gives you in disaccustoming. But I found, thereß this connection, that says you, doesn\'t need to disaccustom in order to have a mammogram and, to say, that you will lose more weight, while you nurse, as not. I surged, fewer, as I had until at the moment in 10 years, was my son 8 months old!!

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This question about stationary "breastfeedi. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (15)

from Lyndsey There, no need is to be stopped, to nurse for a mammogram or to decrease. You/they should around checks in order to find a radiologist, that are included skillfully, to read the mammogram of a lactating-Brust. FWIW, nursing für at least two years, accumulated for all your children, your risk of the breast cancer will decrease significantly. You have a first degree Verwandten with Brustkerbs in consideration of you there, I believe,ß it definitely wise, to continue, would be to be nursed.

As far as losing weight, during nursing,... I lost 45 pounds, during nursing and it no effect on my milk supply had. I did weight observers and did the nursing Mamas-Programm.

The American academy of the family Physicians says that they stop to nurse, before can endanger a child\'s immunity 2 years. Please consider disaccustoming! People, who say, thereß Ihr child too old is, is not informed on the many benefits to nurse beyond one year. It is to be continued in your two best interests to be worked as a nurse at least until 24 months. :)


through gerrifri.... my first breast lived until she/it was over 2. We bemühten us then about number 2 and the doctor advised me to stop to feed her/it/them, how it could influence my fertility. I only held. You/they didn\'t kümmert itself very much. As you say, es\'s not thereß she/it until then the meal needs, it is the comfort, a good cuddles, this can make available.

Pay 2 was 16 months, and we had to go away some days long officially. She/it stayed with my sister. As we to theückkamen, she/it had 1 feed, as she/it woke up, I only think to prove, she/it still could if she/it wanted to it, and then she/it didn\'t disturbs again. Maybe könnten you tries, because you are unavailable only to the times, he/it would live. Leave somebody differently tr him/itösten, or gives you to him/it instead of the breast one bottle. Es\'s the comfort, that is important, not the milk. Therefore as yearn you itself as he/it, gets, thereß he/it it well should go. Glück with it and the mammogram. Sorrowfully, from your sister too hören.

through? Pamela? I cannot believe, thereß people to you over it dreadful is!

Only, you disaccustom slowly. I held allmählich my daughter at, as it made on a five minute of feed a night, I knew that she/it had to hold. Therefore, the routine was changed approximately. I, that am used, to read about a history, füttere she/it and she/it dann\'d-Sturz asleep with the breast. I it altered so that the history came slowly after the feed, as she/it was pressed beside me and still had the physical contact. I, that am started to lie her, fördere every night away from me and before we knew it, she/it was from the breast, I believe, that it took approximately two weeks of those to decide to give up completely to holding. It worked out this, that was she/it 18 months old, as she/it held. I didn\'t makes a gro from itßen deal, mainly because I was not sure, if she/it, that actually go, ws throughwith him/it to go, but I think that doesn\'t serve helped over it upward.

Guarantee, that the two are comfortable from you, you are right to wait until the teeth came through because I believe that additional comfort is used if the baby feels none notch supremely.


beside ballpoint pens i hits you you jsut stop from rihgt and offfer hima-Flasche for confort before, it will last some days besides int eh end, that will work it, i breast feed my son, until he/it was 18 months old, and completely you understand through what you go, and that, as we did, it also any one gets, him/it his/its bottle other, to give, so that he/it smells jargon you milks

by Caroline, my daughter was nursed until she/it was 16 0r old 17 months, as she/it always wanted to live less simply gradually and finally held. She/it never had a dummy or one bottle, but liked a provider cup.

through lady trinity hello honey. No advice wanted to congratulate you only to it I to nurse your baby as it, you yearn as you, you have, you gave a precious gift to your baby. I don\'t have any idea, what is wrong with people, likes this "Travel some" person, who would call you those ridiculous names! Women have her/its/their babies dafür nursed, has longer for old than you! Calling you was a perverse way, way from line! I am so sorry about the ignorance of some people. The important matter is, thereß SIE know that that is beautiful and important, what you do.
If you now want to break baby of the habit of you, I believe that you should be capable to therefore make do badly on any manner without feeling. You/they really went this addition mile. If you wanted to continue to work as a nurse, würde I you, to ignore, is too bulky, which say others and go only for it, but you express other feelings. I want erwähnen, that you could have your mammogram anyway, and that nursing often is the best way to be decreased! I lost my whole baby weight by nursing my babies. That was not still your experience and if you are ready, then your small type too entwöhnen that I say going for it.
"Slowly and with love"., if already he/it während the day, that he/it determines, capable for doing is, bottles takes, so that also any other time. He/it needs the Nachtfütterungen from a nutritional point of view not, but he/it evidently needs her/it/them from an emotional point of view. Für any reason, that he/it still tends, gives this proximity to you, that only nurse so, him/it. Said having, thereß, the decision is yours. You/they können your decision not through which others meets, you say. If you, that then silence, it is with it. Offer him/it with night as he/it wakes up or him/it in every other way tröstet, but him/it, one bottle, doesn\'t feed. He/it becomes nat for himselfit first excites ürlich, how he/it is accustomed to sharing this proximity with you with night, but he/it will calculate it. It hängt only on it from like deep his/its wish, to work going as a nurse. , wäre your husband ready, to approach for a small while upward on night as well, until he/it gets over his/its wish to work as a nurse? With you, to be, brings him/it to it maybe to want to work even more than nurses, maybe you have a while your Hände-Vollständigkeit for and some quite sleepless nights before you... or maybe he/it gets the idea quite fast and starts to sleep through the night. It hängt only from. As a last thought, I wanted to ask you whether you are sure, thereß, to be him/it in the bed only with you with night, the trick would not do? He/it is allowed to ju
Love and blessing of you. You/they sound like a wonderful, loving mother. Please ignore the dreadful answers, that you got, I am sorry, thereß some people so middle is. Only, you take it with a grain of the salt."
Lady trinity ~


Much experience nursed four babies, everyone one for good over one year. 17 percent 1 voices

through momma2mi.... maybe you must not disaccustom in order to have a mammogram. Check from this connection..... it gives other possibilities for you maybe.

through mystic_e.... property firstly is not impossible or pointless it to get a mammogram, if it nurses, yes she/it is more difficult to read, if you nurse, BUT the last phase hardly is mammograms for cancer in the diagnostic testing.

I would think a better possibility honestly, that then stops to nurse, since the longer, you nurse the lower, that the chances of Brustkerbs would be, to begin with the genetic screening. If you land, the gene has \'t, that maybe you not glätten, if your sister does, you must worry itself (well as much). And as I said the LONGER, you nurse this less, thereß chance it gives, that you will develop Brustkerbs. Some studies propose, maybe there is a 7 percent of decrease at Brustkerbsrisikos für all forms of the breast cancer, you look against the chances at this, you have a tumor presently and whether actually would notice the tumor mammogram, even if you disaccustomed. Remember, thereß mammograms 100 percent nowhere near is, you see also under Brustultraschall * is allowed to you * is this mammograms you more exactly in general,

And of course the longer you nurses this more profits for your child, including reducing her/its/their risks of the cancer. But if you entwöhnen wants, you want to disaccustom, and I respect this. But I wit hates ürde for you to stop to nurse because you believe that you have to it because you have inaccurate information. Or, about too entwöhnen, because you think you, you should because company said that should not work 19 months old as a nurse, or should not need any parenting to sleep" back. Or too entwöhnen, or disaccustoms night, because you think, will go through it your son if maybe this is not realistically true. Many toddlers sleep vollj until 24 monthsährig not through. Therefore if you start, in a small while too entwöhnen and then slow disaccustoms, you will find, that he/it sleeps through it, and although maybe it seems like it, is because of disaccustoming, it is really only one development item, that he/it would have reached anyway.

Therefore if you really want to disaccustom, there is big info here, I am sure that will work one of the suggestions for you,:
/ helpme/helpme_a.

Mammograms. Mammograms is Röntgenstrahlen the breast and also is sure so. But the most effective tool is not mammograms dafür, to check the breasts of the lactating-Frauen. Lactating-Frauen have dense breast tissue, that makes it heavier, to get clear pictures of the breast. A woman should or Expreß immediately before a mammogram, in order to drain the breasts as much as possible, as nurses with a breast self-examination. , To nurse women, the lactating-Br should one mammograms in readingüste experienced mammographer consults, und/oder views other diagnostic examinations like ultrasound.

3. Ultrasound. Ultra sound is sure and with continued silence compatible. Ultra sounds are more effective than mammograms for milk cysts and abscesses in it, solid breast lumps in contrast to galactoceles, to decide, and also Brustimplantatsl canöcher identifies.

4. Cat scans and MRIs. Even if a Prüfung the application of one wireless against St dye demands, a mother doesn\'t need to interrupt any care. Während the package puts in, because maybe contrast agents recommend that a mother refrain from it to nurse 24 hours long, research shows that this simply is not necessary.
/ baby/bbrea.

Nursing and Kerbsrisiko
Granting "to the study, a woman\'s risk for for every 12 months her/it/them of approximately 4.3 percent reduced Brustkerbs Brust-gefüttert. The risk went 7 percent more für each child, who was carried, down.

"This is the main reason, why Brustkerbs is usual in the U.S., and it is developing countries" unusually in itself, Beral said. "The number of children women has and like long she/it is breast feed differently."

" Breast feeding and pregnancy: Did some studies show that this breast feeding lowers Brustkerbsrisiko easily, particularly, if the breast feeding 1 lasts? to 2 years. This could be, because of Brustfütterung a woman\'s total number of menstrual periods lowers, as pregnancy does. A study found, thereß, to have more children and breast feeding, the risk of the breast cancer longer through half could reduce."
/ tp/tpweani.

Why mothers nurse her/its/their children in Toddlerhood,
/ guest/norma_jane.

Studies in normal infant sleep
I had to give one bottle to my daughter with night as she/it woke up every 3 hours. Within 2 Nshe/it went to outlaw at least 6 hrs, sometimes the whole night. Therefore, it was comfort! However, it was it difficult to do, my Zurechnungsf hasähigkeit protects. She/it is only 9 months.
The other matter, in order to do, is offer you itself in one cuddles and weeps you.
Or a matter has, from which I belonged, waking up first is to be separated recently with feeding of the nappy through changing. EsEs could härtere work for the beginning is, but it could work. it you is not ready to give up the bed time feed. 17 percent 1 voices

through ~ ~ §arah T.? ~ ~ congratulations to you for it, to nurse your baby so long! No matter this something some idiots on says you here, thereß it a big matter is, you have done.
There is not really any reason, that he/it should not sleep through the night. A baby is fähig to it, to sleep through the night against 6 months. It becomes a bißchen difficult for you instinctive is, and tiring however you only must dispute him/it. He/it becomes some Noutlaw for it in order to bring him/it needs to recognize, isn\'t that gets everything but he/it will calculate it.
He/it doesn\'t wake up in the middle of the night, because he/it is hungry, he/it wakes up from habit. Fütterung comforts him/it to sleep back.
Encourage him/it with praise if he/it takes a sippy-Tasse. Really, you make it to a großen deal, if he/it takes one cup,:) 17 percent 1 voices

Because of his/its low class hid answer

is something wrong with you, you should have her/it stoped before the child now was almost 2 hes old one year? this Pensionsgbranches insest even should be removed bottles from the age of 1, you don\'t become a parent a pervert

through mrs_squi...

Because of his/its low class hid answer

Breast, she/it lives with 19 months? You/they were supposed to have stopped the child with 9 months. Most parents hören on, to do this, before her/its/their child is enough one year old. If it it, that Zähne gets, I think his/its time for solid meal anyway. Do, you really want him/it the withßen on your nipples until it it in kindergarten? You/they mholds this any time üssen.

from Giggagir...

Because of his/its low class hid answer

19 months.. thats to big from a child, who sucked on your breast,...
Give it to him/it in one cup...

from Jill

Because of his/its low class hid answer

If you really made your decision to disaccustom him/it, the answer is quite simple.
Stop to give him/it your breast, and one cup gives him/it or fills instead.

Disaccustoming is stricter with you, as it is on him/it. He/it könnte itself for some days, but he/it, aufregen\'ll learns quite fast, that the whole breast matter is past and with it done.

There is not any reason of the one 19 months old should wake up for feedings in the night, therefore you offer not even everything to him/it, if he/it wakes up, you leave behind him/it for itself to sleep calms. Again, this is stricter with you than it will be on him/it.

Insist, because you are the parent and are in control, and you don\'t harm your child, in that you disaccustom him/it, he/it won\'t be psychologically scarred if you don\'t feed him/it in the middle of the night.

through ilwacw

Because of his/its low class hid answer

well congratulation to it, to nurse, so long,..., but now, it is to be held time! and i only means, you hold!!!! he/it uses your breast as a pacifier, about him/it to sleep to theückzustellen... and however for you it is more favorable to do with it... if he/it is thirsty with night, you give him/it one cup of water across and across... and only stops to nurse,... he/it will cry and makes everything in order to attract ihn/es back... therefore is you ready, him/it the cup, to offer water across, and across..., even if he/it feels bad or is sick,.. holds you, he/it comforts him/it, but not with the breast...

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