Tuesday, 19 July 2011

, To nurse the termination?

, To nurse the termination?

After sleepless nights had decided two years i for itself to stop completly bf, as disaccustoming never worked. Every advice can give me to two matters as it is long will, before dries up i, and like long will it is, before he/it anfängt, itself with night without this wines, to wake, to settle? If it also is true over green cabbage that helps with sore breasts?

Additional details

yes i then lived only to bed time, every time if maybe he/it woke 2 3 Time per night so. We went cold turkey and only one said, thereß it had run out. I offered water and much cuddles,but, this he/it this still not regulates, is the 3. Meet without none.


from Laura C

Best answer chosen by voters

Hello Alana,
Being a doctor that can only advise you i, as each different one is, and some matters are allowed to or work for you maybe. There are several, makes them it and doesn\'t do:


Disaccustom gradually. This becomes your Körper is too bulky to hold, and the time of production slows. Jump allmählich feedings with another method, mainly bottle feeding with formula, one. Wait another F some days before the substitution and so onütterung, until the transition is done.
Pumps to keep you or hand express, only enough milk, from feeling about you, inflated and overfilled. If milk already in the Brüsten is, additional production slows down, you therefore change a small quantity only to one time.
Apply cold compresses, Gelschachteln or cold cabbage page to your breasts. These helps reduce swelling and können to it, to reduce the milk supply, contributes, if it is used consistently. If you the application kühlte cabbage leaves, you replace each couple of the hours.
Trouble medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen over-the-counter, to ease any uncomfortableness.
Check breasts managements for Ed frequently and potential mastitis or breast abscess. If you have any worries, verständigen you your doctor or a lactation advisor.

Don\'t do:

Don\'t allow your child to feed in order to ease pressure. The natürliche supply and the demand gets and warns your body, that it must produce more milk, to place you, supports too quadratic.
Suddenly don\'t stop any breast feeding except if completely necessary. This becomes frustration für your baby and uncomfortableness for you causes.
Don\'t bind your breasts. This erhöht actually maybe the pain, during preparing no real benefits to it, to use up your supply.
Don\'t admit any room for nipple stimulation. Also the production of your milk supply activates this.
Don\'t use any heat, how a heater block, water bottle or starting even are called from hot take a shower water on swollen/engorged-Brüsten. the situation provokes this only maybe.
NachdemNachdem Ihre breasts remained, became 24 hours in the course soft, you should be in the clear. But, station over signs of your Brüste-Füllung and if necessarily, you repeat the above mentioned steps.
Luck and stay positive. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

This question about stationary "breastfeedi. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (13)

through imnotrea.... the cabbage can help your milk to dry up, as well as the sorness... or with it I belonged have.

It could be a while before he/it begins to settle with night of itself,... particularly, if you nursed him/it two years long,... he/it is accustomed to having you to help fall asleep for him/it there.

through kittycat, everything of more details depends? You/they nursed 1 years long, or then, he/it probably works as a nurse, only a couple times one day, and you will dry up alone. Keep mind, that still many people sp a young milk yearäter can be eliminated, indoors however as soon as theyve lactated. If you then are become saturated, yes Kohlkopfblhelps become ätter, she/it, that help she/it, to dry up your supply faster, however it, to boil, first, shouldnt is neccessary-Sein your a long concept nurser. Again as far as he/it it, to sleep, hängt from which youve from, does. You/they still nurse him/it with night, if often with it hpw, he/it, again w, is like oldürde I through the 2yrs sleep declaration assumes the hes a toddler and that you nursed in this case, on which it depends, only before the bed or something as you handle it. Give him/it a sippy-Tasse with water and this will help, him/it , To ease transition.

from Kim D, the best advice is leche-Verband for itself with the local le to discuss. Yes frozen Kohlkopfblätter can reduce some of the uncomfortableness. As für if you will dry it up, changes itself from person to person. I, that in August entw after 20 months of care and me of daughter in 07it becomes öhnt, milk lets still leak from time to time. No one of my children, that I nursed, became very much excited, because I she/it itself entwit left öhnen.

from delicious mummy first, sore breasts, more nicely cold green cabbage goes to replace you she/it into your BRA, if they warm to.

Dries up, to woman different than woman, I still was 3 months held lactating having, but I could tell that the crowd eased.

Asleep through the night, all children are different, my daughter started to sleep through the night with 7 months, other friends, whom I know, had to it from 3 months of sleepers, with 3 years still not through, to sleep, not very helpfully I know besides your baby, will settle finally down.

Best wishes
Kez x

P., lady 49 is full to it!!!! is different children universe and sleeps through the night with 6-8 weeks! Saint than you? Only a bißchen.
If people have, got not to say anything constructive, that they should not disturb. And you conserve breast feed your child as it, you yearn as you like Don\'t ließ she/it thinks, that you are a bad mummy!


from STAX Hallo, I think since it, that you didn\'t disaccustom him/it through the night, it will be more difficult for him/it and your milk to dry up. I to groomed mine of this long and continued to wait for her/it/them, itself too entwöhnen, as they said, that she/it would become. You/they didn\'t. if however, I did, you tell her/it/them, thereß she/it it through the night could not have. I told her/it/them, thereß she/it couldn\'t it has, until she/it saw, the sun enters into the window. Then, I told her/it/them, thereß she/it it directly only before naps could have, and before she/it went to the bed with night. I divided it her/its/their doesn mit\'t, this time still serves till. Therefore, I had depressed her/it/them cut to 2 times per day. Then as I she/it vollstit wanted to disaccustom ändig, how I will lose my mind, I told her/it/them, that she/it was too big, and it hurt me as she/it nursed. As she/it itself bemühte, I went ouch and dealt hurt like it. I gave to her/it/them also a party dafür, not to work as a nurse one month long. She/it asked after it once or twice, because it however I said her/it/them, it went, as now she/it a großes girl was.
As far as Kohlkopfgehen, I heard, that help. If you nurse more than 2 times per day and harbor, \'t schränkt itself to this quantity one, you will be sore and will get an infection maybe.
And, you don\'t feel bad that your child didn\'t sleep through the night with 6 weeks. The wäre with nursed babies nice, but less probably. Because is breastmilk predigested, it goes faster than formula through her/its/their Körper, so that they more frequently become hungry. And there are benefits from it to work as a nurse until one year instead of some months if you make it können. People, who land, \'t believes, thereß, can look up for him/it. Hope, thereß this helps!

through lilmissd... troubles you for itself to have a sippy-Tasse for it with milk or juice, if he/it wakes up in the night. I gave Brustfütterung recently my daughter, who is 20 months and finding, on that she/it only sometimes wakes up for a beverage after some hours. However, I cannot discuss on the milk, that goes, because is again i pregnant and can really not notice the difference.

I had to stop through fatiima, my daughter was pregnant to be nursed cold turkey, after I had found from myself, again wih this baby. I held exactly, and she/it was ungefähr 1 year and a half. She/it was für approximately 4 days and nights morosely, then as I only troubled me to offer it to her/it/them to see what would happen, she/it wanted it no more. Now, she/it is kühl, and it was almost 7 months. As far as Brüste that dries up will fill up her/it/them the first and as soon as the milk is not stunk from them, they begin to dry up. It lasts ungefähr 3-4 days. Nateach child is ürlich different, than I became pregnant with my daughter, whom I only disaccustomed myself, nursed my son, he/it was approximately 1 years and 1/4 years old, as I became pregnant. You/they said to cut him/it off that I also did it. He/it was so bös on me and would speak not even with me one week long. He/it still was b until at the momentös on me, as his/its sister was born, and he/it always was jealous effort in order to drink the milk as she/it did. He/it gave it schließlich after a while on, but I never gave in. My the eldest was I became 23 months, as I did her/it/them, with my 2. Child pregnant, that in a miscarriage (betr)practice, finished. She/it was really kühl with it. I hope, thereß this helps. Glück.


I, mommy of 3, everything, and #4 on the way, nursed

through mftuk, I don\'t know, but well settled with nursing so long. ICH\'m certainly müssen you so proud is. I really hope, thereß I for this long one can continue. Is only one shame, thereß most people the benefits of outstretched nursing doesn\'t know.

from LYNN GAR... first from all lady49, where you now got something bollocks,and for my answer for your information old for a load, works the cabbage leaves, and all babies are different, that my son never slept insisted fedjust the two thorax, that he/it will regulate, a full night, until he/it began nurseries with 3, that my daughter slept, who is all the night of the age of 5 weeks and them, his/its hard one knows i, as daughter thinks also 2 was, as i held, and she/it didn\'t need some weeks, that should be accustomed to it, with bedtime,good-Glück to leave breast milks, for it.

from Monica, I feel you! I nursed my daughter 18 months long, and I never got every sleep! Did you open only 2 or 3 times per night? Wow, the muß nice has been. It wasn\'t ouchßergewöhnlich for her/it/them, that 10, 11, 12 times in a night, to snap only on it, woke, nurse only for one little one and retreats to sleep. I became pregnant with my son as she/it was only 11 months and continued, she/it f, to work ür 8 months more than nurses, and gave me one month of break, before the baby was born, and I participated back. Surprising however, we gave up also cold turkey, she/it didn\'t has a problem with it! Für this month as she/it, that work as a nurse, wasn\'t before her/its/their brother was born, she/it still often would wake up, but I recognized that she/it was sufficiently old in order to understand me as only down I asked her/it/them to lie, end her/its/their eyes and goes back to sleep. I guess in a sense, thereß I the tough love matter did. I ließ she/it knows, that I was there, but I let her/it/them also known that I meant it seriously. I didn\'t offer anything to her/it/them to drink, we never used bottles with it wasn\'t she/it uses to one, and schlie,ßlich got her/it/them the hint and us going all any sleep. I now see and miracles to theück, if I continued to work more than nurses for me, as she/it! Maybe she/it didn\'t needs me, so much as well as I she/it needed! lol, the weiß! Two Noutlaw, after the new baby came home, she/it decided to start to sleep not only through the night, but also in her/its/their own bed!!! I swore up and down, that I would make matters with the second different, but I didn\'t and matters simply sought like her/it out did with my daughter. I will let you known, thereß, to inform our local La Leche-Verband leaders, in certain situations very helpful was, and power is also from any help of you. Glück!

through nicdr i held with 18 months, and it lasted 7, (long, nights,) every night, he/it cried one little less and then held besides one year later, he/it still likes me somone preferably to lay down beside him/it in order to sleep and if he/it is excited, that his/its small hand defeats reaches my top for a small comfort, you feel!!
my milk dried up in the same period
many nights, my son is a small child matter finely like for the waking of not crying i feeling thats, but he/it can nevertheless wake fall, he/it is only 2 1/2!!

beside mussels if he/it wakes up in the night, you go in, again, you regulate him/it and comfortably he/it back on, dont speaks with him/it or picks up much eye contact. Tröstet and assures, but without too much interaction.

Maybe you/they must make this alot in the first week, or with it and it is tiring very much, but made right, you should be sleeping capable with 4 - 10 days to get him/it through, it could be easily more or less. I needed 5 or 6 Noutlaw in order to bring my son to sleep through it.

As for like long it, in order to dry up, takes it changes from woman to woman. I took a few weeks, until I Blöcke could abolish and could stop, in which to drip bath lol, but if I pressed my nipple, I still had a small milk after 3-4 months.

My friend used cabbage leaves and said her/it/them, that was helped.

Because of his/its low class hid answer

God God helps us!! in child should sleep all the night without waking up from the age of 6-8 weeks!! asks you your doctor or your health visitor. You/they place auf\'t has so long to breast feed, you need a life and it this much good doesn\'t do after the first 6 months, as she/it all antiqueörper gets that will ever need her/it/them.

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